J-GLOBAL ID:200901063386940118
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024 Ii Sun-Ae
イ ソンエ | Ii Sun-Ae
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (1):
Cultural anthropology and folklore
Research keywords (2):
, Area Study(East Asia)
Research theme for competitive and other funds (13): - 2015 - 2019 An Anthropological Study of Whaling Cultures in the Globalizing World:Conflicts between the Succession of Whaling Tradition and Anti-whaling Movement
- 2011 - 2015 Comparative study of the Tidal Flats Culture as seen from the Biogeographical Perspective on the Western Pacific Islands region
- 2010 - 2015 A geographical study of local subsistence and cultural adaptation to the environment by analysis of micro-nutrition
- 2006 - 2009 Comparative Study about the Marine Resources and the Fishing Ground Use Custom of the East Asia : For the Folk Intellect Model Construction
- 2006 - 2009 A study of the sustainable resource-use model in coastal and brackish water areas and the application for Asia
- 東アジア地域の女性・磯資源利用について
- 済州島研究
- 在日韓国人に関する研究
- 海洋資源利用に関する研究
- Research on the women and sea resources use of East Asia
- Study on the Cheju Island
- Study on the Korean Minority in Japan
- Study on Use the sea resources
Show all
MISC (30): -
「民博の院生時代を振り返る」. 『フィールドからみる世界 : 大学院教育に関するフォーラム報告』. 2001. 20-22
李 善愛. 「漁民の生活 : 海女の暮らしを中心に」. 『月刊韓国文化』. 2001. 8. 261. 15-19
「磯資源の利用と食文化に関する事例研究(1) : 日向灘沿岸地域を中心に」. 『宮崎公立大学人文学部紀要』. 2001. 8-1. 1-26
look back over the graduate student days of the National Museum of Ethnology OSAKA. The World from the field works : Reroport Forum on the graduate education. 2001. 20-22
Life of fishermen : focus of women Divers life. Monthly Korean Culture. 2001. 8. 261. 15-19
more... Books (2): - 「海を越える済州島の海女 : 海の資源をめぐる女のたたかい」
明石書店 2001
- Women Divers of Cheju Island cross the sea : women's dispute over marine resources
Akashi Shoten 2001
Works (8): -
2001 -
A fundamental study of Korean modern living culture
2001 -
1996 -
1995 -
1994 -
more... Professional career (1): Association Membership(s) (4):
, 済州学会
, 地域漁業学会
, 日本民族学会
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