Research theme for competitive and other funds (18):
2016 - 2018 Identification and functional analyses of gustatory second-order neurons of Drosophila melanogaster with the goal of elucidation of the decision-making mechanism
2016 - 2018 Control of Drosophila endocycle by Apontic and Ubx
2015 - 2017 腫瘍形成の起点となる内在的組織構造の解析
2011 - 2014 シナプスの発達・維持におけるTollファミリータンパク質の機能
2011 - 2012 Molecular and cell biological analyses of mechanism of synaptic plasticity
2010 - 2012 視覚的判断に関わる脳内機構の解明
2005 - 2010 ショウジョウバエ神経-筋結合をモデル系としたシナプス選択機構の研究
2007 - 2008 FIB-SEM法を用いた神経回路網の3次元的解析
2003 - 2005 Molecular anatomy of Drosophila neuromuscular synapse development
2000 - 2002 Functional analysis of the diacylglycerol kinase in Drosophila photoreceptor cells
1999 - 2002 Molecular anatomy of synaptic development in the microbrain
1997 - 2002 Genetic program and mechanism for plasticity of nervous system
1997 - 1999 Search for a Drosophila retinoid-binding protein and its functional analysis.
1993 - 1995 ショウジョウバエ複眼形成に関与するタンパク質の細胞内配置と機能
1994 - 1994 光情報変換関連分子の視細胞内配置と機能発現の関係
1993 - 1993 複眼形成に関与する遺伝子産物の細胞内動態と機能
1992 - 1992 光情報変換関連分子の機能発現における視細胞内膜系の役割
1986 - 1987 Electron Microscopic Study on the Vitamin A-Storing Cells
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Papers (66):
Kanako Shinno, Yuri Miura, Koichi M. Iijima, Emiko Suzuki, Kanae Ando. Axonal distribution of mitochondria maintains neuronal autophagy during aging via eIF2β. 2024
Yohei Nitta, Jiro Osaka, Ryuto Maki, Satoko Hakeda-Suzuki, Emiko Suzuki, Satoshi Ueki, Takashi Suzuki, Atsushi Sugie. Drosophila model to clarify the pathological significance of OPA1 in autosomal dominant optic atrophy. 2023
Kohei Kawaguchi, Miki Yamamoto-Hino, Nina Matsuyama, Emiko Suzuki, Satoshi Goto. Subunits of the GPI transamidase complex localize to the endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear envelope in Drosophila. FEBS letters. 2021. 595. 7. 960-968
Atsushi Sugie, Satoko Hakeda, Emiko Suzuki, Gaia Tavosanis, Takashi Suzuki. Molecular remodeling of the presynaptic active zone of Drosophila photoreceptors via an activity-dependent feedback signal. GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS. 2014. 89. 6. 318-318