J-GLOBAL ID:200901063810136545
Update date: Feb. 14, 2024 Nishio Yoshiyuki
ニシオ ヨシユキ | Nishio Yoshiyuki
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (4):
Landscape science
, Environmental agriculture
, Composite materials and interfaces
, Polymer chemistry
Research keywords (1):
Composite Materials and Properties
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): Papers (130): - Yukiko Nakao, Kazuki Sugimura, Yoshiyuki Nishio. CaCO3 mineralization in polymer composites with cellulose nanocrystals providing a chiral nematic mesomorphic structure. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2019. 141. 783-791
- Masahiro MORI, Kazuki SUGIMURA, Yoshiyuki NISHIO. Addition Effect of Poly(N-Vinyl Pyrrolidone) on the Miscibility of Cellulose Acetate/Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Blends. Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan. 2019. 68. 8. 649-655
Keiichi Koda, Shogo Taira, Atsushi Kubota, Tomofumi Isozaki, Xiangyu You, Yasumitsu Uraki, Kazuki Sugimura, Yoshiyuki Nishio. Development of Lignin-Based Terpolyester Film and Its Application to Separator Material for Electric Double-Layer Capacitor. Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology. 2019. 39. 3. 198-213
- Junichi Sato, Kazuki Sugimura, Yoshikuni Teramoto, Yoshiyuki Nishio. Preparation and chiroptical properties of cellulose chlorophenylcarbamate-silica hybrids having a chiral nematic mesomorphic structure. Polymer. 2019. 173. 172-181
- Shogo Taira, Makoto Kurihara, Keiichi Koda, Kazuki Sugimura, Yoshiyuki Nishio, Yasumitsu Uraki. TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofiber-reinforced lignin based polyester films as a separator for electric double-layer capacitor. Cellulose. 2019. 26. 1. 569-580
more... MISC (38): Patents (13): -
Water-soluble cellulose acetate resin composition, coated preparation, water-soluble cellulose acetate composite molded article and method for producing same
Composite optical film and its production method, and liquid crystal display device
Optical film, liquid agent for coating of the film, and production methods
Fire retardant resin composition
Flame-resistant polymer resins and molded composites
more... Books (21): - Blends and Graft Copolymers of Cellulosics
Springer International Publishing AG 2017
- "Orientation and Optical Anisotropy of Structurally Well-Designed Cellulosic Materials" In: Handbook of Advanced Optical Materials
Jyohou Kyokai (Technical Information Institute Co., Jpn.) 2017
- "Cellulose Acetate" In: Encyclopedia of Polymeric Nanomaterials (S. Kobayashi, K. Müllen, Eds.)
Springer-Verlag (Berlin/Heidelberg) 2015
- "Liquid Crystals of Cellulose and Derivatives" In: Handbook of advanced Glyoscience and Glycoengineering (K. Akiyoshi et al., Eds.)
NTS Pub. (Tokyo) 2015
- "Polymers for Paper Materials" In: Handbook of Chemistry, Applied Chemistry, 7th Edition (The Chemical Society of Japan, ed.)
Maruzen Pub. (Tokyo) 2014
more... Lectures and oral presentations (49): -
Comparative studies on miscibility and intermolecular interaction for cellulose ester blends with vinyl copolymers
(253rd ACS National Meeting 2017)
New design and fabrication of optical and magnetic functional films by ordered cellulosics-inorganic hybridization
(251st ACS National Meeting 2016)
Comparative studies on miscibility and intermolecular interaction for cellulose ester blends with vinyl copolymers
(4th EPNOE International Polysaccharide Conference 2015)
Mineralization in cellulosic/synthetic polymer composites having a cholesteric liquid-crystalline structure
(4th EPNOE International Polysaccharide Conference 2015)
Functionalization of cellulose-core materials by control of nano- and mesoscopic structures and characteristics
(Special Seminar at CERMAV 2015)
more... Works (5): -
NEDO委託 「溶融紡糸により得られる天然物由来繊維の研究」
2002 -
2000 -
2000 -
2000 -
Feasibility Studies on "Intelligent Fibers"
2000 -
Education (4): - - 1981 Kyoto University
- - 1981 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- - 1976 Kyoto University Faculty of Engineering
- - 1976 Kyoto University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (2): - Master of Engineering (Kyoto University)
- Doctor of Engineering (Kyoto University)
Work history (21): - 2000 - 2001 東京都立産業技術研究所技術会議委員
- 2000 - 2001 Invited Member of Research Council in
- 1999 - 2001 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
- 1999 - 2001 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
- 1999 - 2001 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology,
- 2001 - - 京都府立大学大学院農学研究科非常勤講師
- 2001 - Kyoto Prefectural University, Part-time Lecturer
- 1995 - 1999 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
- 1995 - 1999 Tokyo University of Agriculture and
- 1999 - Tokyo Metropolitan University
- 1999 - Tokyo Metropolitan University, Part-time Lecturer
- 1990 - 1995 Nagaoka University of Technology
- 1990 - 1995 Nagaoka University of Technology,
- 1982 - 1990 University of Fukui
- 1982 - 1990 Fukui University, Research Assistant
- Research Institute
- Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology
- Director of Museum of Fiber Science and Technology
- Pofessor
- Techonology,
- Associate Professor
Show all
Committee career (3): - 2004 - 繊維学会 評議員
- 2002 - 高分子学会 Polymer Journal誌編集委員
- 2001 - セルロース学会 理事
Awards (3): - 1998 - セルロース学会学会賞
- 1990 - 繊維学会桜田武記念賞
- 1988 - 高分子学会研究奨励金
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本木材学会
, セルロース学会
, 米国化学会(The American Chemical Society)
, 日本化学会
, 高分子学会
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