2010 - 2012 Endocytosis of human K channel by receptor activation and its intracellular mechanisms
2010 - 2012 錐体細胞付随性グリア細胞によるニューロン活動に対する修飾効果の機序の解明
2007 - 2009 オリゴデンドロサイトによる活動電位の軸索伝導の修飾
2003 - 2007 高次脳機能(学習と記憶)ならびに脳虚血の病態に対するグリア細胞の役割
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Papers (56):
Mitsuhiro Oishi, Stefan Passlick, Yoshihiko Yamazaki, Miyuki Unekawa, Ruka Adachi, Mayumi Yamada, Itaru Imayoshi, Yoshifumi Abe, Christian Steinhäuser, Kenji F. Tanaka. Separate optogenetic manipulation of Nerve/glial antigen 2 (NG2) glia and mural cells using the NG2 promoter. Glia. 2022. 71. 2. 317-333
Jun-Ichi Goto, Satoshi Fujii, Hiroki Fujiwara, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba, Yoshihiko Yamazaki. Synaptic plasticity in hippocampal CA1 neurons of mice lacking inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor-binding protein released with IP3 (IRBIT). Learning & memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). 2022. 29. 4. 110-119
Yoshihiko Yamazaki, Yoshifumi Abe, Satoshi Fujii, Kenji F. Tanaka. Oligodendrocytic Na+-K+-Cl- co-transporter 1 activity facilitates axonal conduction and restores plasticity in the adult mouse brain. Nature Communications. 2021. 12. 1. 5146
Satoshi Fujii, Yoshihiko Yamazaki, Jun-ichi Goto, Hiroki Fujiwara, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba. Depotentiation depends on IP3 receptor activation sustained by synaptic inputs after LTP induction. Learning & Memory. 2020. 27. 2. 52-66
Yoshihiko Yamazaki. Oligodendrocyte Physiology Modulating Axonal Excitability and Nerve Conduction. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 2019. 1109. 123-144
Involvement of oligodendrocytic Na+-K+-Cl- co-transporter 1 activity in the facilitation of myelinated fiber plasticity
Oligodendrocytes induce axonal conduction plasticity in myelinated fibers and facilitate synaptic plasticity at destination synapses
(The 98th Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan 2021)
(第4回 イオンチャネル研究会 2019)
Effects of oligodendrocyte depolarization on the synaptic function at destination synapses in the hippocampus