J-GLOBAL ID:200901065507443667
Update date: Jan. 15, 2006 Hashimoto Eiji
ハシモト エイジ | Hashimoto Eiji
Affiliation and department: Research field (2):
Art history
, Aesthetics and art studies
Research keywords (2):
, Theory of image
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - クライアント・メールシステム(MUA)の開発
- 映像芸術とコンピュータの関係
- development of client mail user agent system
- Relation of art and computer
MISC (18): -
コンピュータとそのイメージ. デザイン理論. 1997. 36. 1
COMPUTER AND ITS IMAGE. The Japan Society of Design. 1997. 36. 1
映画の意味生成における問題. 神戸芸術工科大学紀要. 1991. 1
見ることの出来ない写真への考察. 映像学. 1991. 44
The Problem of Montage in Regard to Semiotics. 1991. 1
more... Books (1): Education (2): - - 1986 Kyushu Institute of Design
- - 1986 Kyushu Institute of Design Graduate School, Division of Art and Technology
Professional career (1): Association Membership(s) (3): Return to Previous Page