J-GLOBAL ID:200901065507487443
Update date: Feb. 01, 2024 Iihara Naomi
イイハラ ナオミ | Iihara Naomi
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Clinical pharmacy
Research keywords (3):
, psychometrics
, pharmaceutical health care
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5): - 2019 - 2023 Drug repurposing using large-scale claims data: relationship between anti-dyslipidemic agent and osteoporosis or fracture
- 2015 - 2018 大規模レセプト情報を用いた多剤併用のリスク評価:ふらつきを及ぼす薬による骨折発症
- 2012 - 2013 地域医療連携の全国普及を目指した地理的境界や職種の境界を超えた安全な情報連携に関する研究
- 2009 - 2010 患者の服薬行為ならびに化学療法の選好に係る潜在因子に関する研究
- 2008 - 2010 リスクマネージャとしての薬剤師を養成する副作用診断教育プログラムの開発
Papers (34): -
Hiraku Kumamaru, Kanae Togo, Tomomi Kimura, Daisuke Koide, Naomi Iihara, Hironobu Tokumasu, Shinobu Imai. Inventory of real-world data sources in Japan: Annual survey conducted by the Japanese Society for Pharmacoepidemiology Task Force. Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety. 2024. 33. 1. e5680
Hiroaki Ikeda, Satomi Tanimoto, Ayane Takamoto, Junko Ikeda, Kiyotaka Kohno, Akira Nakatsuma, Kumiko Mori, Naomi Iihara, Hitoshi Houchi, Tadakazu Tokumura. [Development of a One-minute Educational Video for Eye-drop Instillation and Changes in Instillation Behavior after Watching the Video]. Yakugaku zasshi : Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. 2023. 143. 8. 655-662
Junko Tomida, Tsugumichi Sato, Tomoji Yoshida, Shoichi Senda, Akira Nakatsuma, Naomi Iihara. Statin, Ezetimibe, or Fibrate Initiation and Subsequent Use for the Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases among Japanese Patients Aged ≥55 Years: A Nationwide Cohort Study. Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin. 2023. 46. 11. 1548-1557
Junko Tomida, Tomoji Yoshida, Shoichi Senda, Tsugumichi Sato, Akira Nakatsuma, Naomi Iihara. Statin persistence and adherence among older initiators: A nationwide cohort study using the national health insurance claims database in Japan. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2023. 32. 8. 873-885
浦上勇也, 馬場香菜子, 瀧川和広, 馬淵健吾, 名倉縦子, 山本和幸, 飯原なおみ. 配布物活用がかかりつけ薬剤師制度に与える影響-かかりつけ薬局機能を満たす群と満たさない群との比較. 社会薬学. 2022. 41. 2. 149-154
more... MISC (12): -
飯原 なおみ. 温故知新第22回「財団助成研究 その後」. Health Research News. 2017. 69. 3
飯原 なおみ. ナショナル・レセプト・データベースを用いた医薬品使用実態研究 (特集 薬剤疫学 : 医療ビッグデータの利活用). 医薬ジャーナル. 2016. 52. 8. 89-94
飯原 なおみ. 明日の医療をより良くする薬剤師を育てたい-データベースを駆使し解析できる次世代に向けて-. RAD-AR News. 2015. 26. 1. 10-11
- 飯原 なおみ, 桐野 豊. 良薬は「調剤情報」利活用の仕組みが左右する. 日本医学会総会会誌. 2015. 29回. 学術講演要旨. 133-133
飯原 なおみ, 橋本 宗明. interview 薬局から発信できる情報の価値を薬剤師は認識すべき. 日経ドラッグインフォメーションpremium. 2015. 209. 37-39
more... Books (2): - Pharmacy Education and Pharmacist Career Development: Insights from around the World
- 薬剤疫学への招き-医薬品の開発と適正使用をめざして
京都廣川書店 2010 ISBN:4901789317
Education (1): - 1979 - 1983 Tokyo University of Science
Professional career (1): Work history (4): - 2005/04 - 現在 Tokushima Bunri University
- 1984/04 - 2005/03 Kagawa University Hospital
- 1983/06 - 1984/03 Yashima General Hospital
- 1983/04 - 1983/05 Kagawa Pharmaceutical Association
Awards (2): - 2015/06 - Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences Paper Award 'Survey of Usage of Medication with Driving with Prohibition or Caution by the National Health Insurance Claims Database in Japan'
- 2000/06 - Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences Paper Award 'Study of a Scale for Discriminating the Self-Regulation of Medication to Select the Correct Menu of Individualized Medication Consultation'
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