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J-GLOBAL ID:200901065758908774   Update date: Feb. 14, 2024

Lambert Raphaël

ロンベール ラフアエル | Lambert Raphaël
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Research field  (1): Literature - British/English-languag
Research keywords  (9): afro-pessimism ,  slave agency ,  アフリカアメリカ研究 ,  大西洋奴隷貿易 ,  メディア研究 ,  Property rights ,  US Constitution ,  Atlantic world ,  African American literature and culture
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (4):
  • 2008 - 2010 American Literature and the Cosmology of Knowledge
  • 2008 - 2010 Pre-Strategic Initiative: “Cosmology of Knowledge; or, What Makes Knowledge Intelligible”(Co-Investigator in Research Projects at the University of Tsukuba )
  • 2008 - 2009 JSPS Kibankenkyu (C): “Epistemological Frameworks” and Network (Co-Investigator in Research Projects at the University of Tsukuba)
  • 2006 - 2007 JSPS Kibankenkyu (C): “Epistemological Frameworks” and Geography (Co-Investigator in Research Projects at the University of Tsukuba)
Papers (24):
  • Raphael LAMBERT. Narrating the Slave Trade, Theorizing Community. Amsterdam/New York: Brill Press. 2019. 252 pp
  • Raphaël LAMBERT. “The Transatlantic Slave Trade in French Comics: Passengers On the Wind”. Review of American Literature - Tsukuba American Literary Society. 2017. 25. 68-78
  • Raphaël LAMBERT. “The Conservative Dispositions of Roots”. Transition: The Magazine of Africa and the Diaspora. 2017. 122. 98-112
  • Raphael LAMBERT. Patriotism in Charles Johnson's Middle Passage. CRITIQUE-STUDIES IN CONTEMPORARY FICTION. 2017. 58. 3. 175-192
  • Raphaël LAMBERT. “Barry Unsworth’s Sacred Hunger: Birth and Demise of a Community”. Journal of Modern Literature. 2017. 41. 1. 118-136
MISC (11):
  • ラファエル・ロンベール. “In Chains” Episode 1: Looking at Slave Trade through the Prism of Community, with Prof. Raphaël Lambert / Host: Leigh Giangreco. 2021
  • Raphaël LAMBERT. “A Gathering of Old Men: An Interview with Ernest J. Gaines” (Co-interviewer Claude Julien) In Ernest J. Gaines: Conversations (Literary Conversations Series), Marcia Gaudet, ed. University Press of Mississippi [First published in Sources, 2, 1997, 55-70]. 2019
  • Raphaël LAMBERT. “The Ex-White: An Interview with John Mateer”. Sydney Writers’ Festival / The Conversant (February, 2016). 2014. 22-26
  • Raphaël LAMBERT. “Relance,” “Ensemble,” “Kamikazé,” and “Parmi” [“Renewal,” “Together,” “Kamikaze,” and “Amongst”]: Four poems from Franck Villain’s collection Saisons: Japon. New Linear Perspectives: Online literary arts & culture journal since 2010 (relance # nlp4). 2014
  • Raphaël LAMBERT. “Guy Debord and Avant-garde Cinema” (François Albéra) Against Cinema-Guy Debord Retrospective. Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival (Co-presented by Institut Franco-Japonais-Tokyo). 2009. 46-49
Books (13):
  • “Ralph Ellison and African American Literature in Post-World War II Japan: Making Blackness Visible,” in Global Ralph Ellison: Aesthetics and Politics Beyond US Border (Co-author: Michio Arimitsu)
    Peter Lang UK 2021 ISBN:9781789974942
  • “Ellison and the Influence of African American Literature in Post-World-War-Two Japan: Making Blackness Visible,” in Global Ralph Ellison: Transnational Aesthetics and Politics (Race and Resistance Series), Tessa Roynon and Marc Conner, eds. Peter Lang Co
  • “The Allmuseri God in Charles Johnson’s Middle Passage.” FORECAAST Series (CAAR): Mobilising Memory: Creating African Atlantic Identities.
    Liverpool University Press 2020
  • “From Édouard Glissant’s ‘The Open Boat’ to the Age of Mass Migration” Cosmopolitanisms, Race, and Ethnicity: Cultural Perspectives Ewa Łuczak, Anna Pochmara-Ryżko, Samir Dayal, eds.
    De Gruyter Open 2019
  • Narrating the Slave Trade, Theorizing Community
    Brill Press 2019
Lectures and oral presentations  (34):
  • “Property in African American Literature and Culture”
    (Global Conversations, School of Economics Department of Economics and Finance, Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy 2019)
  • “Ralph Ellison, the Dream of Diversity, and the Curse of Property”
    (Republics and Republicanism: Theory and Practice, Heritage / Present and Future Perspectives Venice International University, Venice, Italy 2019)
  • “Translating Diversity from Ralph Ellison to Kenzaburō Ōe”
    (Collegium for African American Research (CAAR) “With Harp and Sword”: Navigating and Resisting the Second Nadir 13th Biennial CAAR Conference, Orlando, FL 2019)
  • “Perspectives on Invisible Man” (Roundtable)
    (International Ralph Ellison Symposium, Ralph Ellison Society and the Rothermere American Institute, Oxford University 2017)
  • “Édouard Glissant’s ‘Relation’ and Jean-Luc Nancy’s ‘Being-with’: Slave Trade, Community, and Globalization”
    (Collegium for African American Research (CAAR) Diasporic Encounters, Subjectivities in Transit: Race, Gender, Religion and Sexualities in the African Diasporas 12th Biennial CAAR Conference, Málaga, Spain 2017)
Education (7):
  • 1996 - 2001 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Department of English PhD
  • - 2001 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Faculty of Literature Department of English
  • - 1996 University of Tours Graduate School, Division of Letters English-speaking literatures - textual analysis
  • - 1995 Université Grenoble Alpes Graduate School, Division of Foreign Language French as a Foreign Language
  • - 1994 Université de Grenoble Faculty of Foreign Language French as a Foreign Language
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Professional career (1):
  • PHD (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Work history (48):
  • 2017/10 - 現在 Tsukuba, Japan Association des études sur la musique française / Conférence-Concert II Consultant: Francis Poulenc autour des poètes surréalistes
  • 2016/05 - 現在 Saint Louis University, United States African American Review (on Ernest J. Gaines’s A Gathering of Old Men) Guest Reviewer
  • 2015/04 - 現在 Kansai University Faculty of Letters, Department of American and British Cultural Studies Professor
  • 2008/11 - 現在 Saint Louis University, United States African American Review (on Richard Wright’s Native Son) Guest Reviewer
  • 2007/08 - 現在 Stanford University Faculty Adviser for American Language and Culture Program. Cultural Activities (Meeting with Pr. Clayborne Carson at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project; Margaret Jenkins Dance Company’s rehearsal for A Slipping Glimpse); film screenings (Mississip Volunteers in Asia (VIA)
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Committee career (1):
  • 2012/04 - 2016/03 Journal of the American Literature Society of Japan Editorial Board Member
Awards (1):
  • 2005/04/01 - Ministry of Education JSPS Fellowship / Host Institution: Tsuda College
Association Membership(s) (6):
Japan Black Studies Association ,  English Literary Society of Japan ,  American Literature Society of Japan ,  The Japanese Association for American Studies ,  Society for Cinema and Media Studies ,  MLA
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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