J-GLOBAL ID:200901065781899960
Update date: Jan. 17, 2024 Mizobata Satoshi
ミゾバタ サトシ | Mizobata Satoshi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (1):
Economic policy
Research keywords (4):
, 比較経済体制論
, Russian Economy
, Comparative Economic Systems
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8): - 2005 - 2009 EU拡大後のエストニア・ラトヴィアにおける国家統合と複合民族社会形成
- 2005 - 2009 State Integration and Complex Ethnic Society in Estonia and Latvia
- 2004 - 市場移行下の制度と社会変動
- 2004 - Institutions and Society Changes in the Market Transition
- 2000 - 市場経済移行における企業統治の国際比較
- 2000 - 市場経済化における企業組織と行動に関する実証研究
- 2000 - Comparative Analysis of Conporate Governance in the Transition
- 2000 - Enterprise Organization and Berabiour in the System Transformation
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Papers (213): -
MIZOBATA Satoshi, Iwasaki Ichiro, Ma Xin Xin. Meta-Analysis of China and East Europe. Japanese Journal of Comparative Economics. 2019. 56. 2. 57-84
MIZOBATA Satoshi. research Environment and Evaluation of Human and Social Science Researchers. Reviews in Higher Education. 2019. 151. 5-27
MIZOBATA Satoshi. Social Confusion and Corruption: Investigating the Causes and Effects of a Breakdown of Ethics. IER Discussion Paper Series. 2019. A690. 1-38
MIZOBATA Satoshi. State-led Innovation Policy and Business management in Russia: Potential and Adaptability. Comparative Studies of Management. 2019. 43. 68-89
MIZOBATA Satoshi, IWASAKI Ichiro. Ownership Concentration and Firm Performance in European Emerging Economies: A Meta-Analysis. Emerging Markets Finance & Trade. 2019. 55
more... MISC (108): -
Satoshi Mizobata. “Transnational Corporations and Market Transition in Russia”. The 1st Bristol-Kyoto Symposium, University of Bristol, UK, 2013年1月10日. 2013
溝端佐登史. ロシアの市場経済移行とBRICs. 『外務省BRICs研究会報告書』, 1-21. 2005
溝端 佐登史. 市場経済移行と民主主義. 名古屋大学法整備支援研究会,. 2005
溝端 佐登史. Market Transition and Democracy. Nagoya Univ. Legal Support Project,. 2005
溝端 佐登史. ロシアの経済社会学と社会変動. 北東アジア研究会,. 2004
more... Books (104): - Capitalism and Ethics
Toyokeizai 2019
- Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Development: A Comparative Perspective on Entrepreneurs, Universities and Governments
Rotledge 2019
- Building a sustainable development society Vietnam-Japan Cooperation
Vietnam National University Press 2018
- Lecture on Comparative economics
Nihonhyouron 2018
- The Uniwinding of the Globalist Dream: EU, Russia and China
World Scientific 2018
more... Lectures and oral presentations (102): -
(一橋大学経済研究所・京都大学経済研究所共同利用共同研究拠点共催東京ワークショップ「新興市場の比較政治経済分析:中国・ロシア・東欧」 2019)
Russian innovation in crisis
(Kyoto International Conference on Europe, Asia and Russia in Crisis 2019)
A Survey on State-based Economic System; Why nation governmentalized under globalization
State-led Innovation Policy and Business Management in Russia: Potential and Adaptability
(Seminar of Business Ethics and Global Governance TUM School of Governance, Technical University of Munich 2019)
(広島大学高等教育研究開発センター第46回研究員集会『大学・研究者の研究環境と研究評価-人文・社会科学の望ましい発展のために-』・国立大学附置研究所・センター会議第3部会シンポジウム 2018)
more... Works (14): -
2003 - 2005
International Comparison of Corporate Governance
2003 - 2005
2001 - 2005
Comparative Research on the History and the Present situation of the Russian residents in Estonia and Latvia
2001 - 2005
2003 - 2004
more... Education (4): - - 1987 Kyoto University
- - 1987 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Economics
- - 1979 Osaka University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Studies
- - 1979 Osaka University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Language
Professional career (2): - Master of Economics (Kyoto University)
- Doctor of Economics (Kyoto University)
Work history (2): - 1986 - 1991 1986-1987岐阜経済大学経済学部非常勤講師1987-1991岐阜経済大学経済学部産業経営学科
- 1986 - 1991 Gifu University of Economics, Associate Professor
Committee career (5): - 2002 - 国際経済学会 幹事
- 1991 - 1997 比較経済体制学会 幹事
- 1997 - ロシア・東欧学会 理事
- 1994 - 日本スラブ東欧学会 理事
- 1988 - 比較経営学会 常任理事
Association Membership(s) (10):
, 環日本海学会
, アジア経営学会
, 英国スラブ東欧学会
, ロシア・東欧学会
, 日本スラブ東欧学会
, 経済理論学会
, 国際経済学会
, 比較経営学会
, 比較経済体制学会
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