2010 - 2016 Towards a Paradigm Shift Created by Mathematics of Vortex-Boundary Interactions
2013 - 2015 Construction of mathematical models for long-term forecast of atmospheric variation by climate time-series
2009 - 2012 Towards a mathematical theory of fluid turbulence via singular vortex dynamics
2010 - 2012 Breakthrough in numerical analysis and numerical computation related with infinitely-precision arithmetic
2007 - 2011 Dynamical Systems Theory for Hydrospheric Environments
2007 - 2009 Foundation of high accuracy computational methods on the multiple-precision computer environment and its applications to analysi of inverse problems
2006 - 2009 Mathematical studies on fluid motions under certain conditions
2007 - 2008 Application of Computational Homology to Fluid Phenomena
2005 - 2007 Development of Fast and Accurate Numerical Solver for Vortex Dynamics on a Rotating Sphere
2005 - 2007 A Study of Blow-up Problems and Singular Perturbation Problems arisingin Mathematical Fluid Mechanics
2005 - 2006 Development of Reaction-Diffusion Theory for Flows in Non-Uniform Media
2003 - 2005 Numerical and mathematical analysis to low-dimensional solutions in. mathematical fluid problems
2002 - 2004 Analysis of Singularities on Comples Time Domain for Vortex Sheet Problem
2002 - 2004 Applications of the dynamical systems theory and the singularity theory to mathematical fluid mechanics
2003 - 2003 反応拡散系理論と流体理論の融合により展開される新しい非線形問題の調査
1999 - 2000 Study of Singularity Formation in Three-Dimensional Vortes Sheets
1998 - 1998 渦運動の数理とその大規模数値計算の研究
1997 - 1997 渦法を用いた流れの特異点の研究
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Papers (90):
Hiroki Miyazako, Takashi Sakajo. Defect pairs in nematic cell alignment on doubly connected domains. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2024. 480. 2291
Bartosz Protas, Stefan G. Llewellyn Smith, Takashi Sakajo. Applied and computational complex analysis in the study of nonlinear phenomena. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 2024. 460. 134025-134025
Kota Takeda, Takashi Sakajo. Geometric Ergodicity for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo on Compact Manifolds. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. 2023. 61. 6. 2994-3013
Takashi Sakajo, Keiichi Itatani. Topological Identification of Vortical Flow Structures in the Left Ventricle of the Heart. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences. 2023. 16. 3. 1491-1519
Yuta Tsuji, Takashi Sakajo. Statistical laws of a one-dimensional model of turbulent flows subject to an external random force. Nonlinearity. 2023. 36. 8. 4283-4302
Takashi Sakajo. Fourier series capturing singular phenomena in fluid dynamics. Nagare : journal of Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics. 2022. 41. 5. 312-317