- 2002 - , 信州大学(保健管理センター) 教授、所長
- 2002 - , Shinshu University Center for Health Services Professor, Director
- 1993 - , 信州大学(医学部) 助教授
- 1993 - , Shinshu University School of Medicine Associate Professor
- 1987 - , 信州大学(医学部) 講師
- 1987 - , Shinshu University School of Medicine Assistant Professor
- 1983 - , ロチェスター大学 研究員
- 1983 - , Umiversity of Rochester Medical Center Research Associate
- 1978 - , オレゴン大学 研究員
- 1978 - , University of Oregon Health Sciences Center Research Associate
- Shinshu University Center for Health, Safety and Environmental Management, Center for Health,Safety and Environmental Management Professors
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