J-GLOBAL ID:200901066404585818
Update date: Feb. 01, 2024 Irie Rie
イリエ リエ | Irie Rie
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Technical Support Staff
Other affiliations (1): - Kagoshima University
Research Field in Medicine and Health Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences Area Faculty of Medicine
Research field (5):
, Fetal medicine/Pediatrics
, Cell biology
, Developmental biology
, Morphology, anatomy
Research keywords (6):
, 形態科学
, 解剖学
, 形態形成
, 発生学
, 細胞生物学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (14): - 2020 - 2023 骨軟部腫瘍を制圧できる全身性癌免疫誘導の革新的な免疫遺伝子・ウイルス治療の開発
- 2018 - 2021 Rett症候群における新規のエピジェネティックな生理活性物質産生メカニズムの解明
- 2017 - 2020 Development of Innovative Gene-Virus Therapy for Tumor Lysis, Immunity Induction, and Cancer Stem Cell Suppression in Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcoma.
- 2017 - 2020 Risk factors of complications after transplantation and pathology of chronic antibody-mediated rejection in pediatric liver transplantation
- 2014 - 2018 Pathogenesis by the analysis of "non" nerve organ of Rett syndrome by the original experimental system with ultrastructure.
- 2013 - 2017 Molecular elucidation of normal and cancer stem cells towards development of innovative m-CRA therapy for pediatric cancer
- 2013 - 2016 The development of the novel vector that eliminates ES/iPS cell-derived tumor to realize regenerative medicine
- 2012 - 2016 A novel method for identification and isolation of human pluripotent stem cell-derived target cells and elimination of tumorigenic cells.
- 2012 - 2015 The original experiment system elucidates the cause of a patient of RTT syndrome with brain or other organs
- 2011 - 2012 Development of conditionally replicating adenovirus that treats human ES/iPS-derived tumor
- 2010 - 2012 The development of conditionally replicating adenovirus targeting cancer stem cell for innovative treatment for pediatric cancer
- 2007 - 2009 Development of innovative gene therapy of conditionally regulating adenovirus for treating pediatric solid cancer
- 2004 - 2005 生体肝移植後原疾患再発の機構解析と早期発見・予防法に関する検討
- 2003 - 2005 Immunohistochemical detection of cell components related to the acid secreting dynamics in gastric parietal cells.
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Papers (9): -
Kanako Ide, Kaoru Mitsui, Rie Irie, Yohei Matsushita, Nobuhiro Ijichi, Soichiro Toyodome, Ken-Ichiro Kosai. A Novel Construction of Lentiviral Vectors for Eliminating Tumorigenic Cells from Pluripotent Stem Cells. Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio). 2018. 36. 2. 230-239
Kouichi Sakamoto, Ngin Cin Khai, Yuqing Wang, Rie Irie, Hideo Takamatsu, Hiroshi Matsufuji, Ken-Ichiro Kosai. Heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor and hepatocyte growth factor inhibit cholestatic liver injury in mice through different mechanisms. International journal of molecular medicine. 2016. 38. 6. 1673-1682
Kaoru Mitsui, Kanako Ide, Akiko Takayama, Tadahisa Wada, Rie Irie, Ken-Ichiro Kosai. Conditionally replicating adenovirus prevents pluripotent stem cell-derived teratoma by specifically eliminating undifferentiated cells. Molecular therapy. Methods & clinical development. 2015. 2. 15026-15026
Kiyonori Tanoue, Yuqing Wang, Minako Ikeda, Kaoru Mitsui, Rie Irie, Takao Setoguchi, Setsuro Komiya, Shoji Natsugoe, Ken-Ichiro Kosai. Survivin-responsive conditionally replicating adenovirus kills rhabdomyosarcoma stem cells more efficiently than their progeny. Journal of translational medicine. 2014. 12. 27-27
Rie Irie-Maezono, Shinichiro Tsuyama. Immunohistochemical Analysis of the Acid Secretion Potency in Gastric Parietal Cells. CellBio. 2013. 02. 04. 179-185
more... MISC (10): -
Kouichi Sakamoto, Nign Cin Khai, Yuqing Wang, Rie Maezono, Kiyonori Tanoue, Hiroshi Matsufuji, Hideo Takamatsu, Ken-ichiro Kosai. HB-EGF/HGF HEPATIC GENE THERAPY FOR BILE DUCT LIGATED CHOLESTATIC LIVER INJURY IN MICE: THEIR DIFFERENT AND/OR SYNERGIC THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS. JOURNAL OF GENE MEDICINE. 2014. 16. 7-8. 235-236
坂本 浩一, 小戝 健一郎, Khai Ngin Cin, 王 宇清, 前薗 理恵, 高松 英夫, 松藤 凡. O12-01 ヘパリン結合性EGF様増殖因子(HB-EGF)の小児肝/胆道系疾患モデルへの治療効果(一般口演12 肝・胆道1). 日本小児外科学会雑誌. 2012. 48. 3. 511-511
坂本浩一, 小戝健一郎, Ngin Chin Khai, 王宇清, 前薗理恵, 高松英夫, 松藤凡. HB-EGF/HGF 遺伝子導入によるマウス胆汁うっ滞性肝障害の治療. 日本小児外科学会雑誌. 2012. 48. 4. 808-809
村上 研一, 松藤 凡, 加治 建, 下野 隆一, 鳥飼 源史, 新山 新, 坂本 浩一, 中目 和彦, 町頭 成郎, 川野 孝文, et al. 【胆道閉鎖症 診断・治療・研究の最先端】 肝線維化とビタミンAの効果. 小児外科. 2008. 40. 1. 113-118
村上 研一, 田原 博幸, 加治 建, 下野 隆一, 林田 良啓, 高松 英夫, 津山 新一郎, 前薗 理恵, 小戝 健一郎. 胆道閉塞動物モデルにおいてビタミンA投与が肝線維化に及ぼす効果. 解剖学雑誌. 2007. 82. Suppl. 137-137
more... Books (1): - 病気の分子形態学「胃底腺壁細胞の酸分泌における形態学」
日本臨床分子形態学会編.学際企画 2010
Lectures and oral presentations (35): -
(第75回日本解剖学会九州支部学術集会(北九州市) 2019)
(第49回日本組織細胞化学会学術講演会 2008)
more... Works (8): -
2008 - 2008
2007 - 2007
2007 - 2007
2007 - 2007
2007 - 2007
more... Education (1): - 1994 - 1998 Kagoshima University Faculty of Science
Work history (4): - 2020/07 - 現在 鹿児島大学大学院医歯学総合研究科神経病学講座形態科学分野
- 2008/05 - 2020/06 鹿児島大学大学院医歯学総合研究科運動機能修復学講座遺伝子治療・再生医学分野
- 2004/07 - 2008/04 鹿児島大学大学院医歯学総合研究科運動機能修復学講座細胞生物構造学分野
- 1998/04 - 2004/06 財団法人化学及血清療法研究所
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本組織細胞化学会
, 日本解剖学会
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