Research field (2):
Bioorganic chemistry
, Structural/physical organic chemistry
Research keywords (2):
, Physical Organic Chemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds (12):
2003 - イオン性液体の構造と反応場の解析
2003 - Properties of Ionic Liquids
1995 - 気相における金属イオンと有機分子間相互作用
1995 - Binding Interaction between Metal Jons and Organic Molecules in the Gas Phose
1990 - 気相を基準にした溶媒効果の解析
1990 - Study on Solvent Effects on the Basis of Gas Phase Reactions
1983 - 気相有機イオンにおける構造-反応性相関
1983 - Structure-Reactivity Relationship on Gaseous Organic Ions
Analysis of Properies Ionic Liquids for Organic Reactions
Analysis of Structures by means of FTMS
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MISC (134):
The pervasive influence of hyperconjugation. The intrinsic (gas phase) acidities of adamantane, adamantanol and some of their fluorinated derivatives. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Science. 2005. 54(2), 60-69
The pervasive influence of hyperconjugation. The intrinsic (gas phase) acidities of adamantane, adamantanol and some of their fluorinated derivatives. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Science. 2005. 54(2), 60-69
Structural Effects on Gas Phase Reactivity in "Advances in Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships Vol. 2"
JAI Press Inc., Stamford, Connecticut, USA 1999
Structural Effects on Gas Phase Reactivity in "Advances in Quantitative Structure-Property Relationships Vol. 2"
JAI Press Inc., Stamford, Connecticut, USA 1999
Works (2):
1998 -
Structure and Reactivity of Stable Enols
1998 -
Professional career (1):
Doctor of Science (Osaka University)
Association Membership(s) (6):
, アメリカ化学会
, 日本化学会
, Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan
, American Chemical Society
, Chemical Society of Japan