J-GLOBAL ID:200901067073329022
Update date: Aug. 07, 2022 Tsunemoto Teruki
ツネモト テルキ | Tsunemoto Teruki
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Public law
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): - 先住民族の権利
- 立法過程論
- 違憲審査制
- Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- Legislative Process
- Judicial Review
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Papers (26): -
TSUNEMOTO Teruki. Toward Revitalization of Indigenous Ainu Culture: The Symbolic Space for Ethnic Harmony. Reconciliation, Coexistence, and Sustainability: Articulating the Social-Ecological Wisdom of Austronesian Family. 2016. 229-241
常本 照樹. 憲法はアイヌ民族について何を語っているか. 松井茂記編『スターバックスでラテを飲みながら憲法を考える』. 2016. 73-98
常本 照樹. 『先住民族であるとの認識』に基づく政策と憲法. 岡田信弘ほか編『憲法の基底と憲法論』. 2015. 527-546
TSUNEMOTO Teruki. On Policy Measures for the Socio-Economic Betterment of the Ainu People. The Hokkaido Law Review. 2013. 64. 301-317
常本 照樹. 平等判例における違憲判断と救済方法の到達点. 論究ジュリスト. 2012. 1. 100-107
more... MISC (36): -
常本 照樹. 海外の先住民族政策. 開発こうほう. 2014. 615. 28-31
ハワイ先住民の現代とアイヌ民族(前編). 季刊アイヌ文化. 2001. 13. 4-6
Native Hawaiians and the Ainu People(Part (]G0001[)). 2001. 13. 4-6
Popular Participation in Judiciary and the Constitution. 2001. 1198. 160-166
旭川市環境基本条例. ジュリスト. 2000. 1189. 73-77
more... Books (35): - The Legislative Process : Outline and Actors
Five Decades of Constitutionalism in Japanese Society 2001
- 「憲法の最前線あるいは最縁辺・・・先住・少数民族の権利」
紙谷雅子編『日本憲法を読み直す』(日本経済新聞社 2000
- アイヌ民族をめぐる法の変遷
自由学校「遊」 2000
- 法学キーワード(共著)
有斐閣 2000
- 教材憲法判例(第4版)(共著)
北海道大学図書刊行会 2000
more... Lectures and oral presentations (6): -
Toward Revitalization of Indigenous Ainu Culture: The Symbolic Space for Ethnic Harmony
(2016 International Austronesian Conference 2016)
(第8回日台原住民族研究フォーラム 2015)
Indigenous Peoples in Asia: The Ainu in Japan and the Aboriginals in Taiwan
(The Human Rights Research and Education Centre 2015)
Meaning of “Being Indigenous”
(International Workshop on the Concept of Indigenuity 2014)
(民族発展與文化園区的経営 2013)
more... Works (2): -
1999 - 2000
Comparative Study on Ethnic Minorities and Legal Systems
1999 - 2000
Education (4): - - 1983 Hokkaido University
- - 1983 Hokkaido University Graduate School, Division of Law
- - 1978 Hokkaido University School of Law School of Law
- - 1978 Hokkaido University Faculty of Law
Professional career (2): - Doctor of Laws (Hokkaido University)
- Master of Laws (Hokkaido University)
Work history (6): - 1986 - 1993 Hokkaido University of Education
- 1986 - 1993 Hokkaido University of Education, Associate Professor
- 1984 - 1986 Hokkaido University of Education
- 1984 - 1986 Hokkaido University of Education, Lecturer
- 1983 - 1984 Hokkaido University of Education
- 1983 - 1984 Hokkaido University of Education, Assistant
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Committee career (1): Association Membership(s) (3): Return to Previous Page