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J-GLOBAL ID:200901069026386690   Update date: Dec. 18, 2024

TOMIKAWA Masamitsu

トミカワ マサミツ | TOMIKAWA Masamitsu
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Homepage URL  (1): http://suisport.jp/
Research field  (1): Sports science
Research keywords  (4): Training ,  Coaching ,  Training Science ,  >Training Science, Coaching, Training
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (7):
  • 2015 - 2018 トライアスロンレース中の選手の動作リズム変化の抽出-スイムとランにおける推移-
  • 2012 - 2016 Development of the simple measurement technique of the stroke frequency under the open water environment.
  • 2015 - 2016 「体育」演習から「スポーツ」教育へと変換した大学教養体育の授業効果~一私立大学の実践事例~
  • 2011 - 2012 高速水着のアシスティッド練習用具としての可能性
  • The meaning and the effects of physical education classes in universities
Show all
Papers (19):
  • Effect of physical education program that became online classes due to COVID-19 pandemic. Bulletin of Institute of Sport Senshu University. 2022. 45. 15-26
  • Katsuji Aizawa, Atsushi Iwasaki, Kae Yanagisawa, Chiaki Arai, Koichiro Hayashi, Yuki Nakamura, Masamitsu Tomikawa, Eiji Watanabe, and Takeshi Kukidome. Effect of Improving Physical Conditions and Female Athlete Literacy Behaviors: Intervention Study. Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine. 2019. 4. 20. 235-241
  • Keisuke Ishikura, Yamato Sato, Masamitsu Tomikawa. Effect of training on physical fitness in once weekly college physical education class. Bulletin of Institute of Sport Senshu University. 2017. 40. 40. >21-29-29
  • Masamitsu Tomikawa, Katsuji Aizawa, Makoto Saito, Eiji Watanabe, Daisuke Hirata, Wooyoung Lee, Masayuki Sato. Effects of physical education program that switched from physical education practice to sport education: a case study of one private university. Japan Journal for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance in Universities. 2017. 14. 24-34
  • Mariko KANAYA, Hiroyuki KOYAMA, Masamitsu TOMIKAWA, Yuka KOGO, Miyuki AIBA, Azusa Yoshimatsu, Shusaku KIRYU, Yasuo MATSUDA, Masashi SUITA, Toshitsugu YOSHIOKA, et al. Long-term educational effect according to the differences of the curriculum of physical education in university. -Based on the questionnaire investigation of the alumni at university "T"-. Journal of Sport and Physical Education Center University of Tsukuba. 2014. 36. 36. >17-28-28
MISC (10):
  • Masamitsu Tomikawa. Effects of a Just Stroll Around -Based on the Results of a 30-minute Walk on the Campus-. SENSHU SHOGAKU RONSHU (Commercial Review of Senshu University). 2020. 111. 171-180
  • Masamitsu Tomikawa. Paratriathlon. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics. 2016. 32. 4. 265-269
  • トミカワ マサミツ. Paratriathlon. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics. 2016. 32. 4. >265-269
  • 富川 理充. パラトライアスロン. 筑波大学ブラインドパラスポーツMTG・視覚障がい者のパラリンピックスポーツ. 2015. 28-31
  • 富川 理充. パラトライアスロン. 筑波大学ブラインドパラスポーツMTG・視覚障がい者のパラリンピックスポーツ. 2015. >28-31
Books (5):
  • Basics of coaching athletes with visual impairment
  • 障害者とスポーツ文献目録 -リハビリからパラリンピックまで
    日外アソシエーツ株式会社 2020
  • 『水泳パフォーマンスの最新理論』
    筑波大学出版会 2009
  • Factors of improved swimming performance by wearing a triathlon wetsuit
    University of TSukuba, dissertation. 2008
  • トライアスロン用ウェットスーツが水泳能力に及ぼす影響
    筑波大学 修士論文 2000
Lectures and oral presentations  (32):
  • パラトライアスロン用ウェットスーツの開発事例
    (日本繊維機械学会第70回年次大会 2017)
  • ラウンドテーブル「大学体育の成績評価を考える」 専修大学における大学体育の成績評価に関する現状と課題
    (大学教育学会第38回大会 2016)
  • テニスラケット装着型モーションアナライザーに関する研究(1) プレッシャーボールで打球した場合
    (第26回テニス学会大会 2014)
  • モーションセンサを用いたクロール泳のストローク評価 -トップトライアスリートへの応用事例-
    (第69回日本体力医学会大会 2014)
  • Stroke Rates and Its Trends during Swimming for an Actual Triathlon Race.
    (2013 2nd ITU Science and Triathlon World Conference 2013)
Works (10):
  • 東京2020パラリンピック競技大会日本代表選手団 トライアスロン競技・ヘッドコーチ
    2021 - 2021
  • リオ2016パラリンピック競技大会 村外競技支援スタッフ(パラトライアスロン・ヘッドコーチ)
    2016 -
  • パラトライアスロンの魅力
    2013 -
  • Long-term impacts of physical education classes on the alumni of a national university
    Masamitsu Tomikawa, Miyuki Aiba, Mariko Kanaya, Hiroyuki Koyama, Azusa Oda, Masashi Suita, Ken Miyashita 2010 -
  • Differences in effects of physical education curriculum in university of Tsukuba before and after the deregulation of university act -Based on the questionnaire survey of alumni of university of Tsukuba-
    小山宏之, 金谷麻里子, 富川理充, 小田梓, 吹田真士, 宮下憲 2010 -
Education (2):
  • 2000 - 2005 University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Health and Sports Sciences Doctoral Program of PE, Health and Sports Sciences
  • - 1995 University of Tsukuba School of Health and Physical Education Physical Education and Sports Studies
Professional career (2):
  • Ph.D (University of Tsukuba)
  • 修士(体育学) (筑波大学)
Association Membership(s) (7):
Japan Association for College and University Education ,  Japan Society for Maritime Activity ,  Japanese Society of Sport Education ,  Japanese Society of Sciences in Swimming and Water Exercise ,  Japan Society of Training Science for Exercise and Sport ,  Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences ,  The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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