J-GLOBAL ID:200901069452624620
Update date: Sep. 15, 2024 Fujimitsu Yasuhiro
フジミツ ヤスヒロ | Fujimitsu Yasuhiro
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Homepage URL (2): http://geothermics.mine.kyushu-u.ac.jp
http://geothermics.mine.kyushu-u.ac.jp/index_e.html Research field (3):
Earth resource engineering, energy science
, Atmospheric and hydrospheric science
, Disaster prevention engineering
Research keywords (4):
, Natural Energy
, Natural Disaster Scinece
, Resource Development Engineering
Research theme for competitive and other funds (20): - 2019 - 2024 東アフリカ大地溝帯に発達する地熱系の最適開発のための包括的ソリューション
- 2016 - 2019 Improvement of Geothermal Exploration Method Using Satellite Images
- 2013 - 2015 地熱地域における経時モニタリングのためのハイブリッド重力測定の最適化
- 2009 - 2012 Application of Sustainability Enhancement Techniques for Geothermal Power Generation to Overseas Fields
- 2005 - 2008 Evolution of geothermal systems of Merapi-Ungaran volcanic chain and geothermal resource assessment
- 2005 - 2007 高密度測点重力探査による基盤構造及び堆積層分布データ取得の試み
- 2003 - 2005 総合空中探査システムを用いた大規模災害の防災技術に関する研究
- 2003 - 2005 Study on disaster prevention by using of synthetic airborne investigation system
- 2003 - 2005 Study on estimation method of heat discharge rate for an assessment of volcanic and geothermal activity
- 2002 - 2005 Systematic understanding of magmatic hydrothermal system and reexamination of deep magma energy extraction
- 1999 - 2001 Field-based experimental study on extraction of heat from volcanoes
- 1998 - 2000 地熱地域における温度アレー観測による地震時応力場変化に関する研究
- 1995 - 1997 On the study of comprehensive airborne survey system for geothermal structure
- 1995 - 1997 Study of Geothermal Systems and its application to Geothermal Resource Assesment
- 1994 - 1997 Fundamental Study of Extraction of Volcano Energy and Control of Volcanic Activity
- 重力変動観測による地熱貯流層モニタリング
- 地熱系のモデリング
- Monitoring of Geothermal Reservoirs by Gravity Measurement
- Modeling of Geothermal System
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Papers (56): -
Keigo Kitamura, Yuki Fujii, Haruhiro Inagaki, Koki Aizawa, Jun ichiro Ishibashi, Hiroki Saito, Yasuhiro Fujimitsu. Evaluation of a potential supercritical geothermal system in the Kuju region, central Kyushu, Japan. Geothermics. 2023. 107
Philip Omollo, Jun Nishijima, Yasuhiro Fujimitsu, Kazuki Sawayama. Resistivity structural imaging of the Olkaria Domes geothermal field in Kenya using 2D and 3D MT Data inversion. Geothermics. 2022. 103
Jun ichiro Ishibashi, Kei Yamashita, Keigo Kitamura, Yasuhiro Fujimitsu, Syogo Oshima, Yumi Kiyota. Gas geochemistry of geothermal fluids from the Hatchobaru geothermal field, Japan. Geothermics. 2022. 102
Bekele Dejene Mulugeta, Yasuhiro Fujimitsu, Jun Nishijima, Hakim Saibi. Interpretation of gravity data to delineate the subsurface structures and reservoir geometry of the Aluto-Langano geothermal field, Ethiopia. Geothermics. 2021. 94
K. Sawayama, T. Ishibashi, F. Jiang, T. Tsuji, O. Nishizawa, Y. Fujimitsu. Scale-independent relationship between permeability and resistivity in mated fractures with natural rough surfaces. Geothermics. 2021. 94. 102065-102065
more... MISC (48): -
藤光康宏, 伊藤陽平, 西島潤, 岡大輔. 九重火山広領域地熱システムの数値モデリング. 日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web). 2015. 2015
FUJINO Keiko, YAMANAKA Toshiro, EHARA Sachio, FUJIMITSU Yasuhiro. Heat Flow Observations in and around Wakamiko Crater in Kagoshima Bay, Kyushu, Japan. JGRSJ. 2015. 37. 1. 13-26
西島潤, 岡大輔, 樋口聖, 藤光康宏, 和名一成, 高山純一, 平賀正人. 大霧地熱発電所におけるハイブリッド重力測定-2013年定期修繕工事前後における重力変化-. 日本地熱学会学術講演会講演要旨集. 2013. 2013
樋口聖, 西島潤, 岡大輔, 藤光康宏. 霧島火山地域西部での熱水系モデリングにおけるGISの活用. 日本地熱学会学術講演会講演要旨集. 2013. 2013
岡大輔, 藤光康宏, 西島潤. 重力変動モニタリングからみた滝上地熱系流動シミュレーション. 日本地熱学会学術講演会講演要旨集. 2013. 2013
Hydrogeological Regimes and Their Subsurface Thermal Effects, Geophysical Monograph 47, IUGG Vol. 2, American Geophysical Union 1989
Works (6): -
1999 - 2000
Study of an Investigation system for Geothermal Structure
1999 - 2000
雲仙火山 : 科学掘削による噴火機構とマグマ活動解明のための国際共同研究
1999 -
Unzen Volcano : International Cooperative Research with Scientific Drilling for Understanding Eruption Mechanisms and Magmatic Activity
1999 -
1996 - 1997
more... Professional career (2): - Doctor of Engineering (Kyushu University)
- Master of Engineering (Kyushu University)
Work history (3): - 1989 - 1994 財団法人電力中央研究所 研究員
- 1989 - 1994 Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry,
- researcher
Awards (1): Association Membership(s) (8):
Geothermal Resources Council
, 日本火山学会
, 物理探査学会
, 日本地熱学会
, Geothermal Resources Council
, Volcanological Society of Japan
, Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan
, Geothermal Research Society of Japan
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