Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2022 - 2025 Elucidation of the Hidaka crust-mantle system
2019 - 2022 Reconstruction of the tectonic models for central and eastern Hokkaido based on petrological and geochemical methods
2016 - 2019 Geotectonic analyses of the Hidaka Collision Zone, northern Japan, based on zircon U-Pb ages
Papers (56):
Toru Yamasaki, Kenichiro Tani, Gen Shimoda, Futoshi Nanayama. Possible partial melting and production of felsic melt in a Jurassic oceanic plateau of the Izanagi Plate: Insights from 159 Ma plagiogranites from northern Japan. International Geology Review. 2023. 1-30
Toru Yamasaki, Takayuki Uchino. Assimilation of lower-crustal dunite xenoliths into adakite-related felsic magma: New insights into the production of bajaitic high-Mg andesites. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 2023. 249. 105613-105613
Toru Yamasaki. Geochemical features of the Gyojamisaki Plutonic Complex, eastern Kunisaki Peninsula, Oita Prefecture, Japan: implications for the formation of high-Sr and low-Sr granites in northern Kyushu area. Annual Report of the Geological Society of Oita. 2022. 28. 1-23
Futoshi Nanayama, Toru Yamasaki, Toshiya Kanamatsu, Hideki Iwano, Tohru Danhara, Takafumi Hirata. Origin and evolution of the Paleo-Kuril arc inferred from detrital zircon U-Pb chronology in eastern Hokkaido, NE Asia. Island Arc. 2022. 31. 1. e12458
Toru Yamasaki. Magma hybridization and crystallization in coexisting gabbroic and granitic bodies in the mid-crust, Akechi district, central Japan. Mineralogy and Petrology. 2022
七山太, 山崎徹, 金松敏也, 岩野秀樹, 岩野秀樹, 檀原徹, 平田岳史. Origin and evolution of the Paleo-Kuril arc inferred from detrital zircon U-Pb chronology in eastern Hokkaido, NE Asia. 日本地質学会学術大会(Web). 2022. 129th
Gabbroic rocks : their types, origin, and features. GSJ地質ニュース = GSJ chishitsu news. 2021. 10. 10. 235-241
山崎 徹, 池原 研. GSJ's 2016FY results and future research objectives for the genesis of submarine mineral resources on the Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP), "Next-generation technology for ocean resources exploration". GSJ地質ニュース = GSJ chishitsu news. 2017. 6. 6. 190-194
Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of hydrothermal clay minerals beneath active hydrothermal fields at the Iheya North Knoll, Middle Okinawa Trough
(2018 AGU Fall Meeting 2019)
3D Geostatistical Modeling and Data Integration for Metal Contents and Accumulation Mechanism in a Seafloor Hydrothermal Field
(20th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG2019) 2019)
(資源地質学会2019年度第69回年会講演会 2019)
Mineralogical and geochemical study of hydrothermal deposits beneath the seafloor at the Gondou field in the Okinawa Trough
(JpGU Meeting 2019 2019)