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J-GLOBAL ID:200901069476077891   Update date: Nov. 25, 2024

Yamasaki Toru

ヤマサキ トオル | Yamasaki Toru
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Chief Senior Researcher
Homepage URL  (1): http://www.aist.go.jp/RESEARCHERDB/cgi-bin/worker_detail.cgi?call=namae&rw_id=T80256705
Research field  (1): Solid earth science
Research keywords  (8): Geology ,  Igneous Petrology ,  Geochemistry ,  Geologic Map ,  gabbro ,  Island Arc ,  ophiolite ,  oceanic crust
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (4):
  • 2022 - 2025 Elucidation of the Hidaka crust-mantle system
  • 2019 - 2022 Reconstruction of the tectonic models for central and eastern Hokkaido based on petrological and geochemical methods
  • 2016 - 2019 Geotectonic analyses of the Hidaka Collision Zone, northern Japan, based on zircon U-Pb ages
  • -
Papers (56):
  • Toru Yamasaki, Kenichiro Tani, Gen Shimoda, Futoshi Nanayama. Possible partial melting and production of felsic melt in a Jurassic oceanic plateau of the Izanagi Plate: Insights from 159 Ma plagiogranites from northern Japan. International Geology Review. 2023. 1-30
  • Toru Yamasaki, Takayuki Uchino. Assimilation of lower-crustal dunite xenoliths into adakite-related felsic magma: New insights into the production of bajaitic high-Mg andesites. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 2023. 249. 105613-105613
  • Toru Yamasaki. Geochemical features of the Gyojamisaki Plutonic Complex, eastern Kunisaki Peninsula, Oita Prefecture, Japan: implications for the formation of high-Sr and low-Sr granites in northern Kyushu area. Annual Report of the Geological Society of Oita. 2022. 28. 1-23
  • Futoshi Nanayama, Toru Yamasaki, Toshiya Kanamatsu, Hideki Iwano, Tohru Danhara, Takafumi Hirata. Origin and evolution of the Paleo-Kuril arc inferred from detrital zircon U-Pb chronology in eastern Hokkaido, NE Asia. Island Arc. 2022. 31. 1. e12458
  • Toru Yamasaki. Magma hybridization and crystallization in coexisting gabbroic and granitic bodies in the mid-crust, Akechi district, central Japan. Mineralogy and Petrology. 2022
MISC (22):
  • 七山太, 山崎徹, 金松敏也, 岩野秀樹, 岩野秀樹, 檀原徹, 平田岳史. Origin and evolution of the Paleo-Kuril arc inferred from detrital zircon U-Pb chronology in eastern Hokkaido, NE Asia. 日本地質学会学術大会(Web). 2022. 129th
  • Gabbroic rocks : their types, origin, and features. GSJ地質ニュース = GSJ chishitsu news. 2021. 10. 10. 235-241
  • 七山太, 七山太, 田近淳, 栗田裕司, 山崎徹, 岩野英樹, 檀原徹, 平田岳史. 日高帯北部の堆積岩コンプレックスから得られたZircon U-Pb年代とそれらに基づく海嶺沈み込みモデルの再検証. 日本地質学会学術大会講演要旨. 2019. 126th
  • 山崎徹, 小森省吾, 池原研. SIP「次世代海洋資源調査技術」における産総研の成果. GSJ地質ニュース. 2018. 7. 11. 287-296
  • 山崎 徹, 池原 研. GSJ's 2016FY results and future research objectives for the genesis of submarine mineral resources on the Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP), "Next-generation technology for ocean resources exploration". GSJ地質ニュース = GSJ chishitsu news. 2017. 6. 6. 190-194
Books (11):
  • 豊田地域の地質
    産業技術総合研究所地質調査総合センター 2021
  • 広尾 = Hiroo
    産業技術総合研究所地質調査総合センター 2020
  • 明智地域の地質
    産業技術総合研究所地質調査総合センター 2020
  • 高知 = Kochi
    産業技術総合研究所地質調査総合センター 2018
  • Cruise Report SIP-HOT II "Explorer" (SIP-Hydrothermal deposit in Okinawa Trough) CK16-01 (Exp.908)
    JAMSTEC 2017
Lectures and oral presentations  (70):
  • Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of hydrothermal clay minerals beneath active hydrothermal fields at the Iheya North Knoll, Middle Okinawa Trough
    (2018 AGU Fall Meeting 2019)
  • 熱水噴出域における海底下金属濃度の深層学習による3次元分布推定への拡張
  • 3D Geostatistical Modeling and Data Integration for Metal Contents and Accumulation Mechanism in a Seafloor Hydrothermal Field
    (20th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG2019) 2019)
  • 伊是名海穴掘削コア鉱石試料の鉱物学的解析
    (資源地質学会2019年度第69回年会講演会 2019)
  • Mineralogical and geochemical study of hydrothermal deposits beneath the seafloor at the Gondou field in the Okinawa Trough
    (JpGU Meeting 2019 2019)
Education (5):
  • 2012 - 現在 Keio University Faculty of Economics Correspondence Courses
  • 2008 - 2012 Keio University Faculty of Letters Humanities and Social Science (Correspondence Courses)
  • 2000 - 2004 Hokkaido University Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences Graduate School of Science
  • 1998 - 2000 Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Technology and Science Division of Chemistry and Earth Sciences
  • 1993 - 1998 Yamaguchi University Faculty of Science Department of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
Professional career (4):
  • 博士(理学) (北海道大学)
  • 修士(理学) (山口大学)
  • 学士(理学) (山口大学)
  • 学士(人間関係学) (慶應義塾大学)
Work history (5):
  • 2022/04 - 現在 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Research Institute of Geology and Geoinformation Chief Senior Researcher
  • 2015/04 - 2022/03 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Research Institute of Geology and Geoinformation Senior Researcher
  • 2013/03 - 2015/03 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Institute of Geology and Geoinformation Senior Researcher
  • 2008/04 - 2013/02 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Institute of Geology and Geoinformation Researcher
  • 2004/10 - 2008/03 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Science Post-doc. Researcher
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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