J-GLOBAL ID:200901070010196830
Update date: Jan. 07, 2010
Uchida Kazuo
ウチダ カズオ | Uchida Kazuo
Affiliation and department:
Research field (3):
Money and finance
, Public economics, labor economics
, Theoretical economics
Research keywords (4):
, マクロ経済学
, Monetary Economics
, Macro economics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
MISC (9):
利潤率とマクロ経済. 経済学研究. 1997. 47. 2
為替レートと財政・金融政策のマクロ経済学. 経済学研究. 1994. 44. 2
The Macroeconomics of exchange rates and monetary fiscal policies. 1994. 44. 2
平成不況と日本的雇用慣行のゆらぎ. しゃりばり. 1993. 142
Economic Impacts of Tour and Leisure Activities in Hokkaido Prefecture in Japan. Yonsei Business Review. 1992. 29. 2
Books (2):
浜田文雅編編著『アジア経済開発と経済分析』所収 文眞堂 1993
勁草書房 1988
Education (4):
- - 1975 Osaka University
- - 1975 Osaka University Graduate School, Division of Economics
- - 1968 Nagoya City University
- - 1968 Nagoya City University Faculty of Economics
Professional career (1):
Committee career (2):
- 1996 - 北海道都市学会 理事
- 1996 - 日本経済学会 理事
Association Membership(s) (4):
American Economic Association
, 北海道都市学会
, 金融学会
, 日本経済学会
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