J-GLOBAL ID:200901070248210849
Update date: Feb. 23, 2025 Kazuhiko Nakagawa
ナカガワ カズヒコ | Kazuhiko Nakagawa
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (1):
Respiratory medicine
Research keywords (2):
, Medical Oncology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (12): - 2014 - 2017 A biomarker study of heregulin to predict efficacy of anti-HER2 drugs in HER2-positive breast and gastric cancer
- 2012 - 2015 Antitumor Action of the MET Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor in Gastric Cancer Positive for MET Amplification
- 2012 - 2015 Multiplex molecular profiling in advanced non-small cell lung cancers
- 2011 - 2013 Role of survivin in EGFR inhibitor-induced apoptosis in non-small cell lung cancers positive for EGFR mutations.
- 2011 - 2011 EML4-ALK陽性肺癌におけるシグナル伝達経路の解析
- 2009 - 2011 Molecular-based approach for overcoming acquired resistance to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors
- 2005 - 2007 Translational research for recurrent lung cancer treatment with combination therapy of gefitinib and meloxicam
- 2004 - 2006 A randomized study to evaluate survival benefit of gefitinib in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer and correlation of efficacy and biomarkers
- 肺癌化学療法の確立
- 新しい抗癌剤の臨床開発
- Establishment of Lung cancer chemotherapy
- Clinical developement of new anti-cancer drugs
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Papers (1,369): -
Kazuo Nakagawa, Shun-Ichi Watanabe, Masashi Wakabayashi, Masaya Yotsukura, Takahiro Mimae, Aritoshi Hattori, Tomohiro Miyoshi, Mitsuhiro Isaka, Makoto Endo, Hiroshige Yoshioka, et al. Risk Factors for Locoregional Relapse After Segmentectomy: Supplementary Analysis of the JCOG0802/WJOG4607L Trial. Journal of thoracic oncology : official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer. 2025. 20. 2. 157-166
Kazuo Nakagawa, Shun-Ichi Watanabe, Masashi Wakabayashi, Yuta Sekino. A Response to Letter to the Editor: "Refining Risk Stratification for Locoregional Relapse in Clinical Stage IA Small-Sized Peripheral NSCLC After Segmentectomy". Journal of thoracic oncology : official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer. 2025. 20. 2. e22-e23
Kazuo Nakagawa, Shun-Ichi Watanabe, Masashi Wakabayashi, Yuta Sekino. A Response to the Letter to the Editor: "Sites of Primary Tumors as Crucial Points When Conducting Segmentectomy for NSCLC". Journal of thoracic oncology : official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer. 2025. 20. 2. e24-e25
Kazuo Nakagawa, Shun-Ichi Watanabe, Masashi Wakabayashi, Yuta Sekino. A Response to Letter to the Editor: "Considerations on Genetics and Treatment Factors in NSCLC Segmentectomy Outcomes". Journal of thoracic oncology : official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer. 2025. 20. 2. e27-e28
Naoki Shiraishi, Takayuki Takahama, Kazuko Sakai, Kaoru Tanaka, Yuzuki Nakagawa, Hiroaki Kanemura, Tomohiro Nakayama, Yusuke Kawanaka, Takashi Kurosaki, Shinichiro Suzuki, et al. Detection of Overlooked Rare EGFR Mutations in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Using Multigene Testing. Thoracic cancer. 2025. 16. 3. e70007
more... MISC (1,092): -
小田いつき, 小田いつき, 池川敦子, 池川敦子, 田村和朗, 田村和朗, 三谷誠一郎, 佐藤華子, 松井繁長, 稲垣千晶, et al. Multi-Gene Panel Testing(MGPT)を行った4症例の遺伝カウンセリングの経験. 日本遺伝性腫瘍学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集. 2024. 30th
庄田 浩康, 池田 慧, 坪井 正博, 坂井 和子, 三角 俊裕, 赤松 弘朗, 棚橋 雅幸, 丹保 裕一, 齋藤 春洋, 豊岡 伸一, et al. 完全切除後II-III期のEGFR変異陽性非小細胞肺癌に対する第III相IMPACT試験における付随バイオマーカー研究. 肺癌. 2023. 63. 5. 499-499
金村 宙昌, 竹原 俊幸, 小野寺 勇太, 寺村 岳士, 鈴木 慎一郎, 坂井 和子, 西尾 和人, 中川 和彦, 林 秀敏, 米阪 仁雄. PTPRRを介したEGFR活性化に起因するKRASG12C阻害薬耐性の克服(Combating acquired resistance to KRAS inhibitors in NSCLC by targeting PTPRR-mediated activation of EGFR signaling). 日本癌学会総会記事. 2023. 82回. 422-422
阪本亮, 阪本亮, 松岡弘道, 鶴谷純司, 千葉康敬, 藤田至彦, 酒井清裕, 吉田健史, 吉田健史, 名倉美樹, et al. Comparing morphine with oxycodone for cancer pain using a catechol-O-methyltransferase genotype biomarker (RELIEF study): A randomized clinical trial. 日本心身医学会総会ならびに学術講演会抄録集. 2023. 64th
米阪仁雄, 稲垣千昌, 稲垣千昌, 高濱隆幸, 高濱隆幸, 白石直樹, 磯本晃佑, 金村宙昌, 鈴木慎一郎, 谷崎潤子, et al. Providing Anti-Lung Cancer Drug Therapy Based on Genetic Information by Comprehensive Genomic Profiling. 日本癌学会学術総会抄録集(Web). 2023. 82nd
more... Patents (1): Books (1): Lectures and oral presentations (862): -
(第94回日本胃癌学会総会 2022)
Distinctive characteristics MSI-H in chemo;immune therapy for gastric cancer
FOLRα positive gastric cancer exhibits chemorisistance that is overcome by a novel ADC,MoRAb-202
Genomic and Transcriptomic Features of Response to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors in Small Cell Lung Cancer
(第19回日本臨床腫瘍学会学術集会 2022)
Primary Data;from DESTINY-Lun;A Phase;Trial of Trastuzumab Deruxtecan in HE;Mutated Metastatic NSCLC
(第19回日本臨床腫瘍学会学術集会 2022)
more... Education (2): - - 1983 Kumamoto University School of Medicine
- - 1983 Kumamoto University Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1): - PhD (Medicine) (Kumamoto University)
Committee career (6): - 2015/04 - 現在 西日本胸部臨床腫瘍臨床研究機構(WJTOG) 理事長
- 2009/01 - 現在 日本臨床薬理学会 指導医
- 2006/05 - 現在 日本呼吸器学会 代議員
- 2004/04 - 現在 日本臨床腫瘍学会 協議員、副理事長(2013年~2019年)、理事(2008年~2022年)、暫定指導医(2004年~2019)、学術企画委員会(2013年~2022年)
- 2000/10 - 現在 日本肺癌学会 理事(2006年~)、評議員及び財務委員(2014年~)
- 日本内科学会 近畿支部・評議員
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Awards (3): - 1997 - 米国臨床腫瘍学会トラベルアワード(ASCO)
- 1996 - 米国癌学会トラベルアワード(AACR)
- 1988 - 米国臨床腫瘍学会トラベルアワード(ASCO)
Association Membership(s) (12):
, がん分子標的治療研究会
, 欧州癌治療学会(ESMO)
, 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会
, 日本臨床腫瘍学会
, 日本呼吸器学会
, 日本癌治療学会
, 世界肺癌学会(IASLC/WCLC)
, 米国臨床腫瘍学会(ASCO)
, 日本内科学会
, 日本癌学会
, 日本肺癌学会
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