Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2021 - 2024 Characterize oogonial stem cells and follicle cells with surface antigens
2017 - 2022 The creation of the de novo vector for the newly Cell Delivery System (CDS)
Papers (15):
Jumpei Taguchi, Hirofumi Shibata, Mio Kabata, Masaki Kato, Kei Fukuda, Akito Tanaka, Sho Ohta, Tomoyo Ukai, Kanae Mitsunaga, Yosuke Yamada, et al. DMRT1-mediated reprogramming drives development of cancer resembling human germ cell tumors with features of totipotency. Nature communications. 2021. 12. 1. 5041-5041
Yukinori Terada, Norihide Jo, Yoshiki Arakawa, Megumi Sakakura, Yosuke Yamada, Tomoyo Ukai, Mio Kabata, Kanae Mitsunaga, Yohei Mineharu, Sho Ohta, et al. Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Tumor Model Uncovers the Embryonic Stem Cell Signature as a Key Driver in Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor. Cell reports. 2019. 26. 10. 2608-2621
Jo N, Sogabe Y, Yamada Y, Ukai T, Kagawa H, Mitsunaga K, Woltjen K, Yamada Y. Platforms of in vivo genome editing with inducible Cas9 for advanced cancer modeling. Cancer science. 2019. 110. 3. 926-938
2000 - 2004 Kumamoto University Medicine nstitute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics, Division of Developmental Genetics
1998 - 2000 Kumamoto University Science Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics, Division of Developmental Genetics
Work history (6):
2012/06 - 2023/03 Kyoto University CiRA Assistant Professor
2010/10 - 2012/06 Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine Department of Stem Cell Biology and Histology & Department of Anatomy and Anthropology, Research scientist
2011/03 - 2012/05 RIKEN Center for Molecular Imaging Science Functional Probe Research Laboratory Visiting scientist
2008/10 - 2010/09 Jichi Medical University School of Medicine Division of Stem Cell Regulation, Center for Molecular Medicine Assistant Professor,
2005/04 - 2008/09 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Glycoscience Post-doctoral Fellow
2004/04 - 2005/03 Kumamoto University Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics,Division of Developmental Genetics Post-doctoral Fellow
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Association Membership(s) (5):
Japanese Society for Immunology(JSI)
, the Japan Cytometry Society
, Japan Society for Reproductive Medicine
, The Molecular Biology Society of Japan