J-GLOBAL ID:200901072624150618
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024 Nakamura Mitsuru
ナカムラ ミツル | Nakamura Mitsuru
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Homepage URL (1): http://wbpm-lab.mat.iwate-u.ac.jp/ Research field (2):
Material fabrication and microstructure control
, Composite materials and interfaces
Research keywords (3):
, 固相接合
, 溶接熱影響部
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9): - 2004 - 摩擦攪拌接合に関する研究
- 2000 - 超硬合金のリサイクル技術開発
- 2000 - 異種材料接合部の物性評価
- 2000 - Recycling Techinique of Cemented Carbides
- 2000 - Physical Properties of Disimiller materials HAZ
- 1996 - 金属粉末の急速焼結法の開発
- 1996 - Development of Rapid sintering Technique on Metallic Powders
- 1995 - 金属基複合材料の製造法に関する研究
- 1995 - Study on the Manufacturing Method of Metal Based Composites
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MISC (11): Works (3): -
2005 -
1989 -
Investigation of New Materials Processing Technique in TOHOKU District.
1989 -
Professional career (1): - Study on reheat Cracking Susucepitibility of Steel Welded HAZ (Muroran Institute of Technology)
Work history (6): - 2007 - - 岩手大学工学部 付属施設長
- 2007 - - Director,Faculty of Engineering,Iwate University
- 2006 - - 岩手大学工学部材料物性工学科鋳造工学 教授
- 2006 - - Professor,Casting Engineering,Materials Science and Engineering,Faculty of Engineering,Iwate University
- 1974 - 1991 岩手県工業試験場 主任研究員
- 1974 - 1991 Chief Researcher,Industrial Research Institute of IWATE Pref.
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Committee career (1): Awards (3): - 2001 - 平成13年度日本鋳造工学会 小林賞
- 2000 - PM2000 Outstanding Poster Award
- 2000 - 平成11年度溶接技術奨励賞
Association Membership(s) (3): Return to Previous Page