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J-GLOBAL ID:200901072889555385   Update date: Aug. 31, 2024

Miura Hajime

ミウラ ハジメ | Miura Hajime
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Associate Professor
Homepage URL  (1): https://www.facebook.com/Applied-Physiology-112740515529464/
Research field  (8): Biomaterials ,  Clinical pharmacy ,  Clinical pharmacy ,  Physiology ,  Nutrition and health science ,  Sports science ,  Biomaterials ,  Biomedical engineering
Research keywords  (11): 電気刺激 ,  高血圧 ,  動脈硬化 ,  トレーニング ,  不均一性 ,  血流 ,  酸素消費 ,  動脈機能 ,  heterogeneity ,  blood flow ,  oxygen uptake
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (18):
  • 2023 - 2026 Effects of skeletal muscle electrical stimulation on hyperglycemia-induced arterial stiffness
  • 2020 - 2023 電気刺激と運動の併用による新たな運動プログラムの開発と高血圧症予防への応用
  • 2008 - 2010 Influence of physical activity on vascular endothelial function in youth
  • 2003 - 2004 高齢者の動脈stiffnessに及ぼす身体活動の影響
  • 2003 - 2004 循環器系疾患の危険因子を抑制するレジスタンストレーニングの開発に関する研究
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Papers (88):
  • Rina Nishimura, Hajime Miura, Song-Gyu Ra, Yasuaki Tamura, Mizuki Nakamura, Hiromasa Kuga, Jyunji Deguchi. Effects of acute cycling with electrical muscle stimulation of lower limbs on arterial stiffness. Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine. 2023. 72. 6. 371-380
  • Yasuaki Tamura, Hajime Miura, Kenichi Deguchi, Yuji Hashimoto, Junji Deguchi, Ayako Murakami, Mizuki Ishikawa. Effects of repetition exercise training on vascular endothelial function in healthy men. The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine. 2022. 11. 4. 221-226
  • Mizuki ISHIKAWA, Hajime MIURA, Yasuaki TAMURA, Ayako MURAKAMI. Effect of Electrical Muscle Stimulation on Vascular Endothelial Function during Prolonged Sitting. Physical Therapy Research. 2022. 25. 3. 127-133
  • Junji DEGUCHI, Hajime MIURA, Yasuaki TAMURA, Mizuki ISHIKAWA. Effects of Combined Training with Regular Aerobic Exercise and Exertion of Force Task on the Ability to Coordinate Exertion of Force. Rigakuryoho Kagaku. 2022. 37. 1. 33-37
  • Hajime Miura, Mizuki Ishikawa, Ayako Murakami, Yasuaki Tamura, Kenichi Deguchi. Effects of Arm-cranking Training with Electrical Muscle Stimulation on Vessel Function. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 2022. 43. 01. 34-40
MISC (60):
  • Yasuaki Tamura, Hajime Miura, Kenichi Deguchi, Yuji Hashimoto, Miduki Ishikawa, Ayako Azuma. Effects Of Acute Aerobic Repetition Exercise On The Vascular Endothelial Function. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE. 2017. 49. 5. 905-905
  • Hajime Miura, Yasuaki Tamura, Miduki Ishikawa, Ayako Azuma, Kenichi Deguchi. Acute Electrical Muscle Stimulation Of The Lower Extremities Enhances The Vascular Endothelial Function. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE. 2017. 49. 5. 58-59
  • Hajime Miura, Megumi Sugino, Yukimi Maki. Effects of Group Training on Vascular Endothelial Function in Elderly Women. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE. 2014. 46. 5. 536-537
  • Megumi Sugino, Hajime Miura, Saori Maruoka, Yukimi Maki. Influence of Self-reported Physical Activity on Arterial Stiffness in Adolescents. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE. 2012. 44. 581-581
  • Yukimi Maki, Hajime Miura, Megumi Sugino. 50% vo2max-Arm-Crank Exercise May Not Improve Arterial Stiffness. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE. 2012. 44. 586-586
Books (6):
  • ニュー運動生理学II, Section 11 運動と循環, 6 動脈血管
    真興交易株式会社医書出版部 2015
  • Application of Near Infrared Spectroscopy in Biomedicine, 4 Clinical Application of NIRS
    Springer 2013
  • 健康・スポーツ科学テキスト トレーニング科学, II.体力とトレーニング 3.神経系機能 C. バランス
    文光堂 2011
  • 組織におけるガス交換 3.酸素供給の不均一性 運動と呼吸
    真興交易 (株) 医書出版部 2005
  • 筋の代謝を測る-近赤外分光法-
    朝倉書店 筋の科学辞典-構造・機能・運動- 2002
Works (8):
  • 自然鉱物を配合したシートが生体の生理機能に及ぼす影響
    2002 -
  • Influence of stone paper on human physiological function
    2002 -
  • 運動時の循環調節に関する調査研究
    2000 - 2001
  • Investigation of circulatory system during exercise
    - 2001
  • Development of near infraved imaging system
    1999 - 2000
Education (4):
  • - 1995 Chukyo University Graduate School of Health and Sport Sciences
  • - 1995 Chukyo University Graduate School, Division of Physical Recreation
  • - 1989 Kyoto University of Education Faculty of Education
  • - 1989 Kyoto University of Education Faculty of Education
Professional career (2):
  • Master of Art (Chukyo University)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Chukyo University)
Committee career (4):
  • 2001 - Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology Fellow
  • 2000 - Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine Fellow
  • 日本運動生理学会 評議員
  • 日本体力医学会 評議員
Awards (3):
  • 2017/11 - 日本骨格筋電気刺激研究会 第4回日本骨格筋電気刺激研究会学術集会最優秀演題賞
  • 2011/01 - 財団法人 三木康楽会 三木康楽賞
  • 1999 - 日本体力医学会海外派遣
Association Membership(s) (10):
日本生理学会 ,  American Physiological Society ,  日本運動生理学会 ,  日本体力医学会 ,  American College of Sports Medicine ,  Physiological Society of Japan ,  Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology ,  Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine ,  American Physiological Society ,  Amrican College of Sports Medicine
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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