J-GLOBAL ID:200901073535652924
Update date: Sep. 16, 2022 Karasuno Keiichi
カラスノ ケイイチ | Karasuno Keiichi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (3):
Marine and maritime engineering
, Aerospace engineering
, Fluid engineering
Research keywords (6):
Fluid Mechanics
, Aeronautics
, Ship Engineering
, 流体工学
, 航空宇宙工学
, 船舶工学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): MISC (59): -
Keiichi Karasuno, Seiji Okano, Jun Miyoshoi, Kazuyoshi Maekawa, Predictions of Ship's Hull Hydrodynamic Forces and Maneuvering Motions at Slow Speed based on a Component-type Mathematical Model. Proceeding of the international conference on marine simulation and ship maneuverability MARSIM 2003 Kanazawa, Japan. 2003. RC-4, 1-11
- 岡野誠司、烏野慶一、前川和義、福原宏太:浅水域主船体流体力への成分分離型数学モデルの適用. 関西造船協会講演概要集(秋季). 2003
- 岡野誠司、烏野慶一、根岸良和、前川和義:PMM試験と成分分離型数学モデルによる定常流体力の推定. 関西造船協会論文集. 2003. 240
- 三好 潤、烏野慶一、岡野誠司、前川和義:斜航流体力に基づいた主船体流体力の推定とその操縦運動への影響. 関西造船協会論文集. 2003. 239. 61-72
Keiichi Karasuno, Seiji Okano, Jun Miyoshoi, Kazuyoshi Maekawa, Predictions of Ship's Hull Hydrodynamic Forces and Maneuvering Motions at Slow Speed based on a Component-type Mathematical Model. Proceeding of the international conference on marine simulation and ship maneuverability MARSIM 2003 Kanazawa, Japan. 2003. RC-4, 1-11
more... Books (13): - An element-type mathematical model derived from a simplified 3D vortex system on ship-hull hydrodynamic forces during slow-speed maneuvering motion
Proceeding of international conference on marine simulation and ship maneuvering, Orlando, Florida, USA 2000
- An advanced physical-mathematical model of ship-hull hydrodynamic forces deduced from simplified vortex model maneuvering motion in slow speed
Marine Simulation and Ship Manoeuvrability Proceedings of the International Conference MARSIM'96 1996
- A Concept about a Physical-mathematical Model of Hydrodynamic Forces and Moment Acting on a Hull during Large Drifting and Turning Motion under Slow Speed Conditions
Proceeding of Workshop on Prediction of Ship Manoeuvrability-Mini symposium on Ship Manoeuvrability 1995
- A Trimaran High-speed Fishing Boat with Water-jet Propulsion and CFRP Hull(共著)
Proceedings of 4th Japan International SAMPE Symposium,Sep.25-28,1995 1995
- Advanced Portabel Automatic Control System under Simple Operation
Proceeding of 10th Ship Control System Sympoium,Ottawa,Canada 1993
more... Works (8): -
2001 - 2002
A study of model-desirn for a single trawler
2001 - 2002
2001 -
Structural Mathematical Model of Ship Hydrodynamic Forces in Maneuvering Motion
2001 -
1992 - 1995
more... Education (4): - - 1969 Osaka University
- - 1969 Osaka University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- - 1964 Osaka Prefecture University School of Engineering
- - 1964 Osaka Prefecture University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (1): - Dr. of Engineering (Osaka University)
Work history (8): - 1982 - 1985 Hokkaido University
- 1982 - 1985 Hokkaido University, Assistant Professor
- 1985 - - 北海道大学 教授
- 1985 - - Hokkaido University, Professor
- 1973 - 1982 神戸商船大学 助教授
- 1973 - 1982 Kobe University of Mercantile Marine, Assistant Professor
- 1969 - 1973 神戸商船大学 助手
- 1969 - 1973 Kobe University of Mercantile Marine, Research Assistant
Show all
Committee career (2): - 1999 - 日本航海学会 学会賞選考委員
- 1999 - 日本航海学会 評議員
Awards (1): Association Membership(s) (4):
, 西部造船会
, 関西造船協会
, 日本造船学会
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