J-GLOBAL ID:200901074526366214
Update date: Apr. 18, 2010 Fujita Kinichrou
フジタ キンイチロウ | Fujita Kinichrou
Affiliation and department: Research field (2):
Structural and functional materials
, Machine materials and mechanics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 水素吸蔵合金に関する研究
- 遠心力場における合金の凝固組織に関する研究
- Study on Hydrogen Storage Alloy
- Study on Solidification Stsructure of Alloy under Centrifigual Force Field
MISC (26): -
遠心力下凝固した合金のマクロ組織観察-Sn-Bi合金系-. 九州東海大学総合教育センター紀要. 1996. 8. 145-159
遠心力下で凝固した合金のマクロ組織観察 -Cd-Bi合金系-. 九州東海大学総合教育センター紀要. 1996. 8. 127-143
Macrostructural Observation of Centrifigual Solidificating of Alloys Sn-Bi Alloy System-. Journal of the Research Institute of General Education Kyushu Tokai University. 1996. 8. 145-159
Macrostructural Observation of Centrifigual Solidificating of Alloys Cd-Bi Alloy System-. Journal of the Research Institute of General Education Kyushu Tokai University. 1996. 8. 127-143
- 共晶型2元合金の凝固組織に及ぼす遠心力の影響. 日本金属学会講演概要. 1994. 426
more... Works (8): -
1994 -
Method for measuring the heat of hydriding reaction of hydrogen absorbing alloys
1994 -
1993 -
Study on Method for Measuring the Heat of Hydriding of Hydrogen Absorbing Alloy
1993 -
1992 -
more... Professional career (2): Association Membership(s) (2): Return to Previous Page