Research keywords (3):
, rockmagnetism
, Geophysics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (12):
2021 - 2024 Establishing a standard curve for Holocene geomagnetic variations around Japan
2021 - 2024 Characters of the geomagnetic vector vatiation at the Matuyama-Brunehes geomagnetic reversal
2020 - 2024 On-land investigation of sea-floor spreading through aero-geomagnetic surveys with unmanned airplanes in Afar region, Ethiopia
2020 - 2023 Magnetostatigraphic study of Cretaceous sdiments in Japan, using reductive chemical demagnetization.
2017 - 2020 Geomagnetic anomaly analysis around the axis of the divergent plate boundary at Afar Depression in Ethiopia by using unmanned small airplane
2014 - 2016 Development of the new method for tephra identification using the paleomagnetic directions
2013 - 2016 絶対古地磁気強度と大気の放射性炭素濃度の関係性の研究
2008 - 2014 Geological and geophysical background of subseafloor hydrothermal systems "TAIGA"
2011 - 2013 過去6千年間の地球磁場強度変動の研究
2009 - 2011 新測定法による海洋底玄武岩を用いた古地磁気強度測定
2006 - 2008 新測定法による地磁気逆転・エクスカーションにおける地球磁場強度変動の研究
Show all
Papers (44):
Takeshi Hasegawa, Nobutatsu Mochizuki, Hidetoshi Shibuya, Ayumu Nishihara, Chie Kusu, Shohei Shibata, Makoto Okada, Kuniaki Nishiki, Yuki Sato. Paleomagnetic study of the 30 ka Aira caldera-forming eruption and 60-45 ka Iwato pyroclastic flow deposits, southern Kyushu, Japan. Earth, Planets and Space. 2024. 76. 1
Chisato Anai, Takahiro Ohkura, Shin Yoshikawa, Nobutatsu Mochizuki. Temporal change in rock-magnetic properties of volcanic ashes ejected during a 1-year eruption event: a case study on the Aso Nakadake 2019-2020 eruption. EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE. 2023. 75. 1
Takeshi Hasegawa, Annika Greve, Darren M. Gravley, Chie Kusu, Yasuaki Kaneda, Shohei Shibata, Makoto Okada, Szabolcs Kósik, Nobutatsu Mochizuki, Gillian Turner. Paleomagnetic constraint of the age and duration of the Taupō Eruption, New Zealand. Earth, Planets and Space. 2023
Absolute calibration of relatiev paleointensity variation using tephra horizons. Chikyu Monthly. 2022. 44. 6. 295-300
Nobutatsu Mochizuki, Satomu Fujii, Takeshi Hasegawa, Yuhji Yamamoto, Tadahiro Hatakeyama, Daisuke Yamashita, Makoto Okada, Hidetoshi Shibuya. A tephra-based approach to calibrating relative geomagnetic paleointensity stacks to absolute values. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS. 2021. 572
長谷川健, GREVE Annika, GRAVLEY Darren, 楠稚枝, 岡田誠, KOSIK Szabolcs, 望月伸竜, 金田泰明. Paleomagnetic dating of Taupo eruption, New Zealand. 日本火山学会講演予稿集. 2021. 2021
長谷川健, 望月伸竜, GRAVLEY Darren, 楠稚枝, 岡田誠, 下司信夫, KOSIK Szabolcs, 柴田翔平, 金田泰明. Evaluation on the Durations of Large-scale caldera-forming Eruptions Based on Paleomagnetic Method: Examples from Aira caldera, Japan and Mamaku/Ohakuri Ignimbrites, New Zealand. 日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web). 2020. 2020
ISHIKAWA, Naoto, YOSHIMURA, Ryokei, KIDANE, Tesfaye, KAGASHIMA, Shinichi, HIGASHINO, Shin-ichirou, MULUNEH, Ameha. M., MOCHIZUKI, Nobutatsu, KITAGAWA, Kirika, OTOFUJI, Yo-ichirou, OBARA, Noriaki, et al. On-land Geo-electromagnetic Research at a Subaerial Sea-floor Spreading Center of the Divergent Plate Boundary in Afar Depression, Ethiopia. Disaster Prevention Research Institute Annuals. B. 2018. 61. B. 356-359
2024/02 - Highlighted Paper 2023 Temporal change in rock-magnetic properties of volcanic ashes ejected during a 1-year eruption event: a case study on the Aso Nakadake 2019-2020 eruption, Earth Planets Space 75, 24, 2023
2023/05 - The Volcanological Society of Japan Best Pater Award Eruption Styles and Processes of the 7.6ka Caldera-forming Eruption of Mashu Volcano, Eastern Hokkaido, Japan: Reconstruction of a High-resolution Eruption Sequence Based on Geologic, Petrologic and Paleomagnetic Methods and Recognition of Low Aspect Ratio Ignimbrite (LARI)
2012/10 - Society of Geomagnetism, Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences Obayashi Early Career Scientist Award Absolute paleointensity during the transitional geomagnetic field
Association Membership(s) (4):
アメリカ地球物理学連合(American Geophysical Union)
, 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会