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J-GLOBAL ID:200901075737818703   Update date: Oct. 03, 2024

Hara Nobumasa

ハラ ノブマサ | Hara Nobumasa
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (2): Medical biochemistry ,  Molecular biology
Research keywords  (2): NAD+ metabolism ,  Posttranslational Modification
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (6):
  • 2021 - 2024 Identification of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of NAD+ under the steady state conditions
  • 2018 - 2021 NAD+代謝のトランスオミクス解析
  • 2009 - 2011 Cardioprotective effects of nicotinic acid via Sirt1 activation
  • 2001 - 2002 Development of colony direct seguencing method using Ampdirect
  • Study on pyridine nucleotide biosynthesis in animal tissues
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Papers (60):
  • Nobumasa HARA, Harumi OSAGO, Mineyoshi HIYOSHI, Mikiko KOBAYASHI-MIURA. The Rate of NAD<sup>+</sup> Breakdown Is Maintained Constant against Deletion or Overexpression of NAD<sup>+</sup>-Degrading Enzymes in Mammalian Cells. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology. 2024. 70. 4. 295-304
  • Mineyoshi Hiyoshi, Harumi Osago, Mikiko Kobayashi-Miura, Nobumasa Hara. Detection of a glutathionyl-carbonylated group (GS-CO-) on D-dopachrome tautomerase with preferential binding of GS-CO- to MIF proteins in rat livers damaged by carbon tetrachloride. Chemico-biological interactions. 2023. 374. 110406-110406
  • Mikiko Kobayashi-Miura, Harumi Osago, Yoshifumi Hamasaki, Ikuko Takano, Mitsuki Akiho, Mineyoshi Hiyoshi, Nobumasa Hara. Decrease in Glycosaminoglycan with Aging in Normal Rat Articular Cartilage Is Greater in Females than in Males. 2022. 13. 3. 19476035221102566
  • Takeshi NAKAMURA, Nobumasa HARA, Harumi OSAGO, Mineyoshi HIYOSHI, Mikiko KOBAYASHI-MIURA, Mikako TSUCHIYA. Effects of NAD+ Synthesis Levels on Sirtuin 1 Deacetylase Activity in Mammalian Cells. Shimane Journal of Medical Science. 2021. 38. 2. 59-66
  • Nobumasa Hara, Harumi Osago, Mineyoshi Hiyoshi, Mikiko Kobayashi-Miura, Mikako Tsuchiya. Quantitative analysis of the effects of nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase induction on the rates of NAD+ synthesis and breakdown in mammalian cells using stable isotope-labeling combined with mass spectrometry. PLOS ONE. 2019. 14. 3. e0214000-e0214000
MISC (15):
  • 原伸正, 中村健志, 長子晴美, 日吉峰麗, 三浦美樹子, 土屋美加子. Global acetylation levels of histone H4 lysine 16 and H3 lysine 9 may not represent cellular SIRT1 activity. 日本生化学会大会(Web). 2021. 94th
  • 日吉峰麗, 長子晴美, 三浦美樹子, 原伸正, 土屋美加子. Modification on D-dopachrome tautomerase detected in rat liver damaged by carbon tetrachloride. JSBMS Letters. 2020. 45. Supplement
  • 原伸正, 長子晴美, 日吉峰麗, 三浦美樹子, 土屋美加子. Involvement of SARM1 in NAD+ breakdown in mammalian cells. 日本生化学会大会(Web). 2020. 93rd
  • 三浦美樹子, 長子晴美, 日吉峰麗, 原伸正, 土屋美加子. The Comparison of the amounts of Collagen (COL) and Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) among rat hyaline cartilages. 日本結合組織学会学術大会抄録集. 2020. 52nd
  • 原伸正, 長子晴美, 日吉峰麗, 三浦美樹子, 土屋美加子. 哺乳動物初代培養細胞におけるNAD+代謝の解析. 日本生化学会大会(Web). 2019. 92nd
Books (3):
  • Molecular cloning and characterization of arginine-specific ADP-ribosyltransferases from chicken bone marrow cells
    "ADP-Ribosylation in Animal Tissue" 1997
  • Mobilization in neuromuscular transmission
    Neuromuscular Junction 1989
  • ADP-ribosyltransferase and endogenous acceptor proteins in animal muscle tissues; ADP-ribosylation of Ca<sup>2+</sup> -dependent ATPase in rabbit skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum and the effect of basic peptides
    "ADP-ribose Transfer Reactions: Mechanism and Biological Significance" 1988
Lectures and oral presentations  (73):
  • Global acetylation levels of histone H4 lysine 16 and H3 lysine 9 may not represent cellular SIRT1 activity
  • Involvement of SARM1 in NAD+ breakdown in mammalian cells
  • Quantitative analysis of NAD+ metabolic flow in primary cultured mammalian cells
  • 関節軟骨におけるグリコサミノグリカン組成
    (第91回日本生化学大会 2018)
  • NAD+代謝におけるSIRT1の関与について
    (第91回日本生化学大会 2018)
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(医学) (島根大学)
Work history (3):
  • 2005 - 現在 Shimane University Faculty of Medicine
  • 2003 - 2005 Shimane University Faculty of Medicine
  • 1996/03 - 2003 Research Associate, Faculty of Medicine,
Association Membership(s) (3):
日本生理学会 ,  日本ビタミン学会 ,  日本生化学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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