Research keywords (6):
, 膠原病
, 運動耐容能
, 運動強度
, exercise capacity
, training intensity
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
2017 - 2021 膠原病患者の運動中の心機能応答についての縦断的研究
2014 - 2017 膠原病患者の運動負荷中の心機能と体力の検討
2009 - 2012 Study on pulmonary rehabilitation for interstitial pneumonia
1996 - 運動が呼吸循環器系疾患に与える影響
1996 - Effect of exercise on cardiorespiratory disease
1988 - 1990 The Influence of Limb Immobilization and Exercise on the Structure and Function of Mouse Soleus Muscle
1984 - 疲労が身体機能に与える影響
1984 - Effects of fatigue on physical properties
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Papers (95):
Shinichi Onozawa, Fujiko Someya, Masami Yokogawa. Effects of Physical Therapy on a Patient With Lemierre's Syndrome Who Had Atelectasis and Limited Range of Motion in the Neck. Cureus. 2023
Jucier Gonçalves Júnior, Naoki Mugii, Pleiades Tiharu Inaoka, Renata Miossi, Fernando Henrique Carlos De Souza, João Calvino Soares De Oliveira, Fujiko Someya, Yasuhito Hamaguchi, Takashi Matsushita, Percival Degrava Sampaio-Barros, et al. Patients with inflammatory myopathies overlapping with systemic sclerosis: A Brazilian-Japanese bicentric study. Archives of Rheumatology. 2023. 38. 1. 138-147
Deteriorated hemodynamic function in patients with clinically amyopathic dermatomyositis
(The 13th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress (ISPRM 2019) 2019)
Symptoms of interstitial lung disease that affect quality of life
(23rd Congress of the Asia Pacific Society of Respirology 2018)
The cause of a loss of range of motion at wrist and thumb after radius and ulna fractures: a case study
(The 4th Annual Meeting of Asia-Pacific Wrist Association (APWA4) 2018)
2023 - 現在 Hokuriku University Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
2022 - 現在 Kanazawa University
1996 - 2022 -: 金沢大学 教授
1995 - 1996 : 金沢大学 准教授
1988 - 1995 : 金沢大学 准教授
1987 - 1988 : 石川整肢学園 常勤医
1986 - 1987 : 金沢大学 助手
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Committee career (2):
日本リハビリテーション医学会 評議員
日本リハビリテーション医学会 評議員
Awards (2):
2014/05 - 日本理学療法士協会 第5回優秀論文賞 Effect of body weight-supported walking on exercise capacity and walking speed in patients with knee osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled trial.
1995 - 第5回(財)慢性疾患・リハビリテイション研究振興財団研究助成金
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本リハビリテーション医学会
, Japanese Society of Hyperbaric and Undersea Medicine
, The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine