J-GLOBAL ID:200901076902089599
Update date: Jul. 29, 2024 Tanikawa Natsu
タニカワ ナツ | Tanikawa Natsu
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Principal Scientist
Homepage URL (1): http://www.naro.affrc.go.jp/nivfs/index.html Research field (1):
Research keywords (3):
, ツバキ
, 花色
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 2020 - 2024 青色花品種育成に効果的な新たなアントシアニン青色化促進条件の研究
- 2017 - 2020 A study on a flower color development mechanism for the breeding of ornamental flowers with a more beautiful blue color
Papers (32): -
Natsu Tanikawa, Haruka Seto, Seiji Suzuki, Ayaka Omori, Fumi Tatsuzawa. Identification of novel flower anthocyanins of Delphinium grandiflorum cultivars. Dyes and Pigments. 2024. 228
Natsu Tanikawa, Hiroyuki Sano, Fumi Tatsuzawa. Identification of Flavonoid Pigments and Coloration Mechanisms in the Bluish-purple Flowers of Platycodon grandiflorus (Jacq.) A. DC. (Campanulaceae). HORTICULTURE JOURNAL. 2023. 92. 3. 342-353
Takaaki Nishijima, Natsu Tanikawa, Naonobu Noda, Masayoshi Nakayama. A Torenia Mutant Bearing Shrunken Reddish-purple Flower and its Potential for Breeding. HORTICULTURE JOURNAL. 2022. 91. 1. 104-111
Mariko Kondo, Natsu Tanikawa, Takaaki Nishijima. Mutation of CYCLOIDEA Expands Variation of Dorsal-ventral Flower Asymmetry Expressed as a Pigmentation Pattern in Torenia fournieri Cultivars. The Horticulture Journal. 2020
- Fumi Tatsuzawa, Chisato Mukai, Motoko Igarashi, Atsuyuki Hishida, Naoya Satta, Kazushige Honda, Shiduko Nakajo, Akihide Takehara, Natsu Tanikawa. Anthocyanins and anthocyanidins in the flowers of Aconitum (Ranunculaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 2019. 87. 103937-103937
more... MISC (36): -
Carotenoid components in petals of yellow flower Camellia species. Bulletin of the National Institute of Floricultural Science. 2010. 10. 75-79
八木 雅史, 小野崎 隆, 池田 広, 谷川 奈津, 柴田 道夫, 山口 隆, 棚瀬 幸司, 住友 克彦, 天野 正之. The breeding process and characteristics of carnation 'Karen rouge' with resistance to bacterial wilt. Bulletin of the National Institute of Floricultural Science. 2010. 0. 10. 1-10
八木雅史, 小野崎隆, 山口隆, 池田広, 谷川奈津, 柴田道夫, 棚瀬幸司, 住友克彦, 天野正之. カーネーションの萎凋ら細菌病抵抗性育種に関する研究(第15報)抵抗性新品種’花恋ルージュ’の育成経過とその特性. 園芸学研究 別冊. 2010. 9. 2. 252
八木雅史, 小野崎隆, 山口隆, 天野正之, 池田広, 谷川奈津, 柴田道夫, 住友克彦, 棚瀬幸司. 萎凋細菌病抵抗性カーネーション実用品種「花恋(かれん)ルージュ」. 花き研究所成果情報(Web). 2010. 2010. WEB ONLY
八木雅史, 小野崎隆, 山口隆, 天野正之, 池田広, 谷川奈津, 柴田道夫, 住友克彦, 棚瀬幸司. 萎凋細菌病抵抗性のカーネーション新品種「花恋ルージュ」の育成. 花き研究所成果情報(Web). 2009. 2009. WEB ONLY
more... Committee career (1): - 2022/03 - 2025/03 The 5th International Symposium on Woody Ornamentals of the Temperate Zone (WOTZ2024) committee member
Awards (1): - 2009/03 - 一般社団法人園芸学会 園芸学会年間優秀論文賞
Association Membership(s) (1): Return to Previous Page