Research field (1):
Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics
Research keywords (2):
, Elementary Particle Physics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11):
2020 - 2025 Development of the JSNS2 experiment at J-PARC Material and Life science research Faciliy (MLF)
2016 - 2021 ステライルニュートリノ探索で探る標準模型を超えた物理
2016 - 2020 structure of exotic hadrons by radiative decay
2012 - 2017 Baryon-baryon interactions with multi-strangeness
2011 - 2015 Comprehensive study on mercury cavitation by proton beam-induced pressure waves and its mitigation techniques
2009 - 2011 Elucidation of the luminous mechanism for bubbles in mercury
2008 - 2010 Elucidation on microbubble mitigation mechanism for pressure waves induced by proton beam bombardment
2005 - 2009 X-ray Spectroscopy and Neutron Scattering Studies on CorrelatedLocalized-Itinerant Electron Systems.
2005 - 2006 Development of damage mitigation technique on liquid/solid interface by microbubble
GDH sum rule experiment for Spin Structure in Nucleon
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Papers (129):
D. H. Lee, S. Ajimura, M. K. Cheoun, J. H. Choi, J. Y. Choi, T. Dodo, J. Goh, K. Haga, M. Harada, S. Hasegawa, et al. Study on the accidental background of the JSNS$$^2$$ experiment. The European Physical Journal C. 2024. 84. 4
Fujita Manami, Hasegawa Shoichi, Hosomi Kenji, Ichikawa Masaya, Ichikawa Yudai, Kim S., Nanamura Takuya, Sako Hiroyuki, Tamura Hirokazu, Yamamoto Takeshi, et al. $\Xi^-$ atomic X-ray spectroscopy using a counter-emulsion hybrid method. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Internet). 2022. 2022. 12. 123D01\_1-123D01\_17
Toshiyuki Gogami, Patrick Achenbach, Jung Keun Ahn, Darko Androić, Kanae Aoki, Arshak Asaturyan, Elena Botta, Masroor. H. Bukhari, Alexandre Camsonne, Silviu. C. Covrig, et al. Strangeness physics programs by S-2S at J-PARC. EPJ Web of Conferences. 2022. 271. 11002-11002
Nanamura Takuya, Fujita Manami, Hasegawa Shoichi, Ichikawa Masaya, Ichikawa Yudai, Imai Kenichi*, Naruki Megumi, Sato Susumu, Sako Hiroyuki, Tamura Hirokazu, et al. Measurement of differential cross sections for $\Sigma^+ p$ elastic scattering in the momentum range 0.44-0.80 GeV/c. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Internet). 2022. 2022. 9. 093D01\_1-093D01\_35
K. Miwa, J. K. Ahn, Y. Akazawa, T. Aramaki, S. Ashikaga, S. Callier, N. Chiga, S. W. Choi, H. Ekawa, P. Evtoukhovitch, et al. Precise Measurement of Differential Cross Sections of the ς-p → Λn Reaction in Momentum Range 470-650 MeV /c. Physical Review Letters. 2022. 128. 7
岩元洋介, 岩元洋介, 明午伸一郎, 松田洋樹, 吉田誠, 長谷川勝一, 前川藤夫, 岩元大樹, 中本建志, 牧村俊助, et al. Measurement of Displacement Cross Section from 0.4 to 3 GeV protons at 3NBT in J-PARC. 量子ビームサイエンスフェスタ(Web). 2020. 2019
明午伸一郎, 松田洋樹, 岩元洋介, 吉田誠, 長谷川勝一, 中本建志, 牧村俊助, 前川藤夫, 岩元大樹, 石田卓. Measurement of displacement cross section for 8-GeV and 30-GeV protons. 日本原子力学会秋の大会予稿集(CD-ROM). 2020. 2020
Measurement of reactor neutrinos using plastic scintillator cube
(Applied Antineutrino Physics Workshop 2023)
Status and prospects of the JSNS2 experiment, 2
Result on the measurement of differential cross sections for $\Sigma^+ p$ elastic scattering in the J-PARC E40 experiment
Measurement of displacement cross section for 8-GeV and 30-GeV protons