Ken-Ichi Kimura, Rimi Kumano, Daisuke Yamamoto. Activin is a neural inducer of a male-specific muscle in Drosophila. Scientific reports. 2024. 14. 1. 3740-3740
Kohei Tanaka, Ryunosuke Minami, Ken-Ichi Kimura. A narrow gene encoding an extracellular matrix is involved in the formation of the footpad hairs in Drosophila melanogaster. microPublication biology. 2023. 2023
Takumi Ohta, Teiichi Tanimura, Ken-Ichi Kimura. A gain-of-function mutation in head involution defective , Wrinkled, causes precocious cell death of wing epidermal cells in Drosophila. microPublication biology. 2022. 2022
Ken-Ichi Kimura, Naoe Hosoda. Crucial role of framework with cytoskeletal actin filaments for shaping microstructure of footpad setae in the ladybird beetle, Harmonia axyridis. Arthropod structure & development. 2021. 60. 100998-100998
Multidendritic sensory neuorns in the adult Drosophila abdomen: origins, dendritic remodeling, and life-long maintenance of dendritic arbors
(第32回日本分子生物学会年会 2009)