J-GLOBAL ID:200901077389300846
Update date: Dec. 03, 2014
Sakai Tadahiro
サカイ タダヒロ | Sakai Tadahiro
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (2):
Social psychology
, Business administration
Research keywords (7):
, リーダーシップ
, 経営戦略
, コミュニケーション
, Leadership
, Strategy
, Communication
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Books (6):
同友館 2002
The Management for Innovation Dynamics
Doyoukan 2002
中央経済社 1999
Introduction to Institutional Management
Chyuoukeizaisha 1999
ナカニシヤ出版 1997
Works (1):
Education (4):
- - 1974 The University of Tokyo
- - 1974 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Humanities Psychology
- - 1972 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Letters
- - 1972 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Literature Psychology
Professional career (1):
- Master of Psychology (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (11):
- 2012 - 現在 - 淑徳大学経営学部 教授
- 1995 - - Professor, College of Cross-Cultural
- 1977 - 1993 Yokohama National University College of Business Administration
- 1977 - 1993 Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor,
- 1974 - 1977 The University of Tokyo College of Arts and Sciences
- 1974 - 1977 Research Associate, Faculty of Liberal Arts,
- University
- Communication and Business, Shukutoku
- National University
- Faculty of Business Administration, Yokohama
- University of Tokyo
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Committee career (2):
- 1995 - 2005 日本広報学会 理事
- 1995 - 2002 The Japan Society of Corporate Communication Studies Director
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本社会心理学会
, 日本広報学会
, The Japan Society of Business Education
, The Japan Society of Social Psychology
, The Japan Society of Corporate Communication Studies
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