J-GLOBAL ID:200901077656301717
Update date: Jul. 29, 2022 Nakamura Toshiko
ナカムラ トシコ | Nakamura Toshiko
Affiliation and department: Research field (2):
, History of thought
Research keywords (2):
, History of political thought
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 女性及び家族を含んだ政治理論の構築
- 福沢諭吉の家族論の政治思想史における位置
- Reconstruction of the political theory including women and family
- Study on Fukuzawa Yukichi's Ideas on Family and Society
MISC (13): -
コミュニケーションとしての「愛」と「徳義」. 福沢諭吉年鑑. 2002. 29. 3-19
「思想の自律と肉体の共同」. 創文. 2001. 431. 11-14
「神は男性を助けるべき者を定めた」-ホッブズ,家父長制そして婚姻の権利-キャロル・ペイトマン著. 思想. 2000. 910. 85
中村 敏子. 「女性をめぐる「自然」の意味」. 創文. 1999. 412. 6-9
「比較」という方法の意味. 北海学園大学学園論集. 1998. 94・95
more... Books (2): - 福沢諭吉 文明と社会構想
創文社 2000
- 福沢諭吉家族論集解説
福沢諭吉家族論集 1999
Education (4): - - 1988 Hokkaido University
- - 1988 Hokkaido University Graduate School, Division of Law
- - 1975 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Law
- - 1975 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Laws
Professional career (1): - Doctor of Law (Hokkaido University)
Work history (2): - 1988 - 1994 Hokkaido University School of Law
- 1988 - 1994 Hokkaido University, Research Assistant.
Association Membership(s) (1): Return to Previous Page