Kusaka Wataru. Rise of “business-friendly” local elite rule in the Philippines: How the valdezes developed San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. Southeast Asian Studies. 2021. 10. 2. 223-253
Wataru Kusaka. Duterte’s Disciplinary Quarantine: How a Moral Dichotomy Was Constructed and Undermined. Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints. 2020. 68. 3-4. 423-442
Wataru Kusaka. Rise of “Virtuous Citizens” Resonating with Duterte: Disaster, Neoliberalism and War on Drugs in the Western Leyte, Philippines. Asian Studies. 2020. 66. 2. 56-75
Asuna Yoshizawa, Wataru Kusaka. The Arts of Everyday Peacebuilding: Cohabitation, Conversion, and Intermarriage of Muslims and Christians in the Southern Philippines. Southeast Asian Studies. 2020. 9. 67-97
"Philippine 2019 Mid-term Election: Normalization of the ‘State of Exception’ by Duterte". Waseda Asia Review. 2020. 22. 15-20
「書評 TAKAGI Yusuke, Central Banking as State Building: Policymakers and Their Nationalism in the Philippines, 1933-1964」. 『アジア研究』. 2017. 63. 2. 34-38
Wataru Kusaka. <Book Reviews>Soon Chuan Yean. Tulong: An Articulation of Politics in the Christian Philippines. Manila: University of Santo Tomas Publishing House, 2015, xvii+275pp. Southeast Asian Studies. 2017. 6. 2. 377-381
Public Rights and Intimate Sorrow: Livelihoods and Dignity of Sexual Minorities in the Philippines
Spatial, Legal and Moral Divisionof the Urban Poor: Neoliberal Governmentality and Disciplinary Intervention in Metro Manila. International Research Forum on the Philippines
(International Research Forum on the Philippines 2019)
Coconut to Disaster, Discipline, Drugs, and Duterte: Transformation of Moral Subjectivity in Leyte
(UP Socius, Agricultural Systems Institute and the Department of Social Sciences 2019)
Embracing Discipline: Neoliberal Moral Subjectivities and Duterteism
(Philippine Sociological Society 2019)
War on Drugs and State of Exception in the Philippines: When a Bandit Grabbed the State
(The 11th International Convention of Asia Scholars 2019)