- 2023/11 - National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST, USA [ Student's and Collaborator's Award ] 1st Place in MIQG Task at TRECVID 2023
- 2023/09 - [ Student's and Collaborator's Award ] Forum on Information Technology FIT Young Researcher's Award
- 2023/06 - IEEE Senior Member
- 2021/03 - [ Student's and Collaborator's Award ] IEICE General Conference Young Researcher's Award
- 2018/09 - [ Student's and Collaborator's Award ] Forum on Information Technology FIT Young Researcher's Award
- 2017/07 - Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Screening Committee Award of JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists
- 2016/09 - [ Student's and Collaborator's Award ] IPSJ Kansai Branch Young Researcher's Award
- 2013/09 - Joint International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems SCIS&ISIS-2012, International Program Committee Member, Contribution Award
- 2011/09 - Joint International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems SCIS&ISIS-2008, International Program Committee Member, Contribution Award
- 2009/11 - [ Student's and Collaborator's Award ] IPSJ SIG-GN Symposium Best Presentation Award
- 2006/09 - FAN Symposium, Best Presentation Award
- 2003/07 - Information Processing Society of Japan, IPSJ Yamashita SIG Research Award
- 1998/10 - International Conference on Soft Computing and Information/Intelligent Systems IIZUKA-1998, Best Paper Award
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Association for Computing Machinery ACM
, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE
, Information Processing Society of Japan IPSJ
, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers IEICE
, Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence JSAI
, Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and intelligent informatics SOFT
, Japan Association for Medical Informatics JAMI