J-GLOBAL ID:200901080374310919
Update date: Oct. 19, 2024 Iuchi Yoshihito
イウチ ヨシヒト | Iuchi Yoshihito
Affiliation and department: Research field (2):
Food sciences
, Functional biochemistry
Research keywords (9):
functional food
, termite
, Antioxidant enzyme
, Reactive oxygen species (ROS)
, Lifespan extention
, Insect Food
, aging
, 生化学
, Biochemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds (13): - 2020 - 2023 Analysis of Biomolecular Functions of the Japanese termite, Reticulitermes speratus, that Enable Longevity and High Fecundity
- 2017 - 2020 Survival strategy of the long-lived termite, Reticulitermes speratus
- 2017 - 2019 Screening of 'new generation' antioxidants and evaluation of their biological effects
- 2013 - 2018 Royal Epigenetics: Molecular basis of the extended longevity of reproductives in social insects
- 2014 - 2017 Functional Analysis of Edible Insects
- 2011 - 2013 Development of Novel Antioxidant-screening System Using genetically modified animal
- 2010 - 2012 Redox regulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress and signals by reactive oxygen species
- 2002 - 2003 精子形成過程における新規抗酸化酵素ペルオキシレドキシン4の機能解析
- 1998 - 1999 Molecular Mechanism of Glucagon for Suppression of Aldolase B Gene Transcription
- 1998 - 1999 Molecular Mechanism of Mitochondrial Protein Import and Sorting
- 1998 - 1998 ミトコンドリア蛋白質の輸送反応及び機能発現における分子シャペロンの役割
- 精子形成の分子生物学アルドラーゼB遺伝子の発現制御に関する研究
- A Molecular biology of the spermatogenesis.
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Papers (56): -
Kanako Matsuse, Sho Hirata, Mostafa Abdelrahman, Tetsuya Nakajima, Yoshihito Iuchi, Satoshi Kambayashi, Masaru Okuda, Kimiko Kazumura, Benya Manochai, Masayoshi Shigyo. Comparative Studies of Bioactivities and Chemical Components in Fresh and Black Garlics. Molecules. 2024. 29. 10
Eisuke Tasaki, Yorihiro Yamamoto, Yoshihito Iuchi. Higher levels of the lipophilic antioxidants coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E in long-lived termite queens than in short-lived workers. Insect Science. 2023
Takahashi, Y, Yoshida, I, Fujita, K, Igarashi, T, Iuchi, Y. Faeces tea of cherry caterpillar (larvae of Phalera flavescens) promotes differentiation into myotubes, activates mitochondria, and suppresses the protein expression of ubiquitin ligase in C2C12. International Food Research Journal. 2022. 29. 6. 1327-1338
Yushi Takahashi, Hiromi Kuribayashi, Eisuke Tasaki, Izumi Yoshida, Masahiro Ide, Kazuhiro Fujita, Tomoji Igarashi, Shinjiro Saeki, Yoshihito Iuchi. Insect feces tea of locust (Locusta migratoria) suppresses lipid accumulation in 3T3-L1 cells and mice. Food Science and Technology Research. 2021. 27. 5. 807-816
Tasaki E, Mitaka Y, Nozaki T, Kobayashi K, Matsuura K, Iuchi Y. High expression of the breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA1 in long-lived termite kings. Aging. 2018. 10. 10. 2668-2683
more... MISC (43): -
井内良仁. ヘルス・フードテックの未来展望-栄養・食の課題解決に挑み健康社会をつくる 昆虫食の機能性と将来. 臨床栄養. 2023. 142. 1
井内良仁. Secrets of the longevity in Japanese termite, Reticulitermes speratus (2). 昆虫と自然. 2023. 58. 5
井内良仁. Reinstatement and future of insect food culture colored by the functionality. 昆虫と自然. 2023. 58. 14
井内良仁. What is Functionality of Insect Food?. 食品と開発. 2022. 57. 11. 14-16
IUCHI Yoshihito. Why Do We Eat Insects Now? ~Thinking about the Functionality of Insect Food~. Oleoscience. 2022. 22. 4. 149-154
more... Books (2): - Technology and Market of Alternative Proteins
CMC 2024 ISBN:9784781318073
- 代替プロテインによる食品素材開発 : 植物肉・昆虫食・藻類利用食・培養肉が導く食のイノベーション
エヌ・ティー・エス 2021 ISBN:9784860437244
Lectures and oral presentations (105): -
(第24回日本抗加齢医学会総会 2024)
トノサマバッタ(Locusta migratoria)はメタボリックシンドローム抑制にはたらく食品機能性を持つ
(第96回日本生化学会大会 2023)
(農芸化学会中四国支部第66回講演会 2023)
((一財)医療経済研究・社会保健福祉協会(社福協)健康食品フォーラム 2023)
(農芸化学会中四国支部第65回講演会 2023)
more... Education (2): - - 1995 Hiroshima University Graduate School of Science
- - 1990 Hiroshima University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1): - (BLANK) (Hiroshima University)
Work history (2): - 2021/04 - 現在 Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Yamaguchi University Faculty of Agriculture Professor
- 2010/06 - 2021/03 Yamaguchi University Faculty of Agriculture Associate Professor
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本酸化ストレス学会
, The Japanese Biochemical Society
, 日本分子生物学会
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