J-GLOBAL ID:200901080608392558
Update date: Jun. 04, 2024 Kozo Kato
カトウ コウゾウ | Kozo Kato
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (2):
International relations
, Politics
Research keywords (8):
, Identity
, Economic nationalism
, English
, Regionalism
, globalization
, language policy
, Asia
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 1998 - 2001 Comparative Political Analysis on Global Environmental Network in Western and Asian Countries
- 1999 - 2000 阪神淡路大震災とノースリッジ地震との比較研究による国内制度・ネットワーク分析
Papers (20): -
Kozo Kato. Asian Regional Integration from Japan-India Relations. Sophia Law Review. 2013. 56. 4. 293-320
KATO KOZO. Globalization and the Japanese Language Policy. Sophia law review. 2009. 52. 3. 137-170
KOZO KATO. “Cabinet and Presidency”. Government and politics. 2009. 1. 228-238
加藤浩三. 書評 「理論と実践の融合」を批判する政治学 元田結花著『知的実践としての開発援助--アジェンダの興亡を超えて』東京大学出版会、二〇〇七年. レヴァイアサン. 2008. 43. 133-136
加藤 浩三. グローバル化と日本の英語政策. 上智大学在外研究報告書. 2006
more... Books (6): - 「政治学」講義レジュメ・授業資料(法学部学科科目)
- 「政治学」講義レジュメ及び授業資料(全学共通科目)
- e-learning にリザーブした課題文献(法学部学科科目)
- The web of power : Japanese and German development cooperation policy(Studies of modern Japan)
Lexington Books 2002 ISBN:0739103113
- 『Asian Regionalism』(Cornell East Asia series, 107)「Open regionalism and Japan's systemic vulnerability」
East Asia Program, Cornell University 2000 ISBN:1885445075
more... Lectures and oral presentations (2): -
International Positions and Development Cooperation Policy in Japan and Germany
Uneven Interdependence: Japanese and German Development Cooperation Policy
(Political Economy Colloquium, Department of Government,Cornell University 1996)
Education (1): - 1992 - 1996 Cornell University Graduate School, Division of Politics
Professional career (2): - Ph.D. (Cornell University)
- 博士(政治経済学) (コーネル大学)
Work history (6): Association Membership(s) (2):
American Political Science Association
, 日本政治学会
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