J-GLOBAL ID:200901081220087598
Update date: Nov. 20, 2023
Shibata Masataka
シバタ マサタカ | Shibata Masataka
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Assistant Professor
Research field (1):
Mathematical analysis
Research keywords (3):
Partial Differential Equations
, Variational Problems
, Nonlinear Analysis
Papers (27):
Hiroshi Iriyeh, Masataka Shibata. Minimal Volume Product of Convex Bodies with Certain Discrete Symmetries and its Applications. International Mathematics Research Notices. 2023. 2023. 21. 18001-18034
Hiroshi Iriyeh, Masataka Shibata. Minimal Volume Product of Three Dimensional Convex Bodies with Various Discrete Symmetries. Discrete & Computational Geometry. 2022. 68. 3. 738-773
Shinji Adachi, Masataka Shibata, Tatsuya Watanabe. Uniqueness of asymptotic limit of ground states for a class of quasilinear Schrödinger equation with H1-critical growth in R3. Applicable Analysis. 2022. 101. 2. 671-691
Masataka Shibata. Multiplicity of positive solutions to semi-linear elliptic problems on metric graphs. Communications on Pure & Applied Analysis. 2021. 20. 12. 4107-4107
Masataka Shibata. Symmetric Mahler’s conjecture for the volume product in the $3$ -dimensional case. Duke Mathematical Journal. 2020
Education (3):
- 2000 - 2002 Tokyo Metropolitan University
- 1998 - 2000 Tokyo Metropolitan University
- 1994 - 1998 Tokyo Metropolitan University Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics
Professional career (2):
- Doctor of Science (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
- Master of Science (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Work history (4):
- 2021/04 - 現在 Meijo University Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Mathematics
- 2016/04 - 2021/03 Tokyo Institute of Technology School of Science
- 2007/04 - 2016/03 Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School of Science and Engineering
- 2002/10 - 2007/03 Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Awards (2):
- 2022/09 - 日本数学会 幾何学賞
- 2021/12 - 日本数学会 函数方程式論分科会 福原賞
Association Membership(s) (1):
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