J-GLOBAL ID:200901081281386229
Update date: Dec. 04, 2021 Takahashi Shigeki
タカハシ シゲキ | Takahashi Shigeki
Research field (2):
Literature - General
, Literature - Chinese
Research keywords (2):
, Chinese Language and Chinese Literature
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 董解元西廂記調宮調の研究
- 元刊雑劇三十種の研究
- Study on Tung hsiey(]J1168[)an Hsihsiangchi Chukungtiao
- Study on Thirty Dramas Published in the Era of Y(]J1168[)an
MISC (32): -
金諸宮調と元雑劇の韵について. 中国文学研究:早稲田大学中国文学会刊. 1996. 22
Rhythms in the Zhugongdiao of Jin Period and the Zaju of Yuan Period. Journal of the Waseda University Society of Chinese Literature. 1996. 22
関羽-神となった英雄-. 月刊しにか1. 1994. 5. 1. 14-19
Guanyu : A Hero turned into Man God. SINICA. 1994. 5. 1. 14-19
新校訂元刊雑劇三十種(四)調風月. 佐賀大学教養部研究紀要. 1992. 24
more... Books (14): - 中国古典悲劇:従希臘古典悲劇理論作-分析
方法論於中国古典和現代文学的応用:香港大学亜州研究中心 1999
- The Classical Chinese Tragedies : An Analysis by the Classical Greek Tragic Theory
Applications of Methodologies in Chinese Classical and Modern Literature 1999
- 『董解元西廂記諸宮調』研究
汲古書院 1998
- The Study on"Dong-jieyan Xixiangii Zhugongdiao"
Kyuko shoin 1998
- 従《鴬鴬伝》到《西廂記》恋愛観的変遷
西廂記新論:中国戯劇出版社 1992
more... Education (4): - - 1975 Waseda University
- - 1975 Waseda University Graduate School, Division of Letters
- - 1971 Waseda University School of Humanities and Social Sciences
- - 1971 Waseda University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (1): - master of arts (Waseda University)
Work history (4): - 1978 - 1992 佐賀大学 助教授
- 1978 - 1992 Saga University, Assistant Professor
- 1975 - 1978 佐賀大学 講師
- 1975 - 1978 Saga University, full-time instructor
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 九州中国学会
, 東方学会
, 日本中国語学会
, 日本中国学会
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