J-GLOBAL ID:200901081638606770
Update date: Feb. 19, 2025 Fujii Masahiro
フジイ マサヒロ | Fujii Masahiro
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Homepage URL (1): http://www.mech.okayama-u.ac.jp/ Research field (2):
Machine elements and tribology
, Design engineering
Research keywords (4):
, 機械要素設計
, Tribology of Machine Element
, Design of Machine Element
Research theme for competitive and other funds (17): - 2021 - 2024 Development of nano-coating film using laser peening and evaluation of tribo performance
- 2018 - 2021 Realization of high precision and high reliability design of traction drive by development of simulation of rolling contact fatigue strength
- 2017 - 2020 Creation of contact surface that achieves both durability and lubricity by laser-assisted modification
- 2015 - 2017 Inhibition of fatigue fractures using graphene oxide as innovative lubricant additive
- 2013 - 2015 In-situ measurement of effect of hyperthermal atomic oxygen exposure on tribological property of ionic liquids
- 2005 - 2006 Evaluation and Verification of Surface Durability of Power Transmission Triboelement Concerning of Micro-and Macro-Configuration
- 2002 - 2003 Research on High Performance Surface Modified Layer with Dispersed Fine Particles
- 1998 - 2000 Research on Surface Failure Mechanism and Failure Prediction and Diagnosis of Surface Modified Gears
- 1998 - 2000 Evaluation of Tribological Performance of High Functional Surface Midified Machine Element under High Temperature in High Vacuum
- 1997 - 1999 Fundamental Study on Surface Durability and Dynamic Performance of Gear with Multiplex Surface Modification
- 1995 - 1997 Research and Development on Evaluation of Surface Damage and Performance of Gear Pairs under Extreme Environment
- 1995 - 1996 Study on Surface Strength Increasing of Sliding Rolling Machine Element by Multiplex Surface Treatment
- 1995 - 1995 高真空下におけるセラミックスおよび改質表面のトライボロジー特性評価に関する研究
- 1994 - 1994 セラミックスの高温トライボロジー特性に及ぼす雰囲気中水分量の影響
- 1992 - 1994 Fundamental Study on Application of Sintered Powder Material to Sliding Rolling Machine Element
- 1992 - 1992 水潤滑ファインセラミックス軸受の転がり疲れに関する研究
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Papers (79): -
Shigeki EGASHIRA, Tomoyuki ISHIMINE, Tomoyuki UENO, Masahiro FUJII. Effect of boron addition on the gear fatigue strength of Fe-Ni-Mo-B-C sintered alloys. Mechanical Engineering Journal. 2022. 9. 1. 21-00303
N.Karunathilaka, N.Tada, T.Uemori, J.Sakamoto, R.Hanamitsu, M.Fujii, Y.Omiya, M.Kawano. Effect of Mechanical Surface Treatment and post-Treatment polishing on Tensile Strength and Fatigue Life of High-Speed Tool Steel. International Journal of Peening Science and Technology. 2021. 2. 1. 35-60
Yuya Omiya, Kenji Toyota, Ryota Nakanishi, Togo Shinonaga, Tadashi Shiota, Akira Okada, Masahiro Fujii. Strength characterization of adhesive joint surface treated by large-area EB irradiation. JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MECHANICAL DESIGN SYSTEMS AND MANUFACTURING. 2021. 15. 4. 1-10
- Shigeki Egashira, Takashi Sekiya, Tomoyuki Ishimine, Tomoyuki Ueno, Masahiro Fujii. Effect of boron addition on the rolling contact fatigue strength of Fe-Ni-Mo-B-C sintered alloys. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 2020. 7. 3. 1-13
Y Omiya, M Fujii, H Sekishita, K Ishimoto, A Ueda. Effect of Surface Characterization Induced by Fine Shot Peening on Scuffing of Steel Roller. VDI-Berichte. 2019. 2355. 37-46
more... MISC (341): -
Masahiro FUJII. Improvement of Friction Property and Surface Durability of DLC Coated Gears. Journal of Japan Society for Design Engineering. 2023. 58. 5. 193-197
塩田忠, 永栄謙登, 大宮祐也, 藤井正浩. Effect of alumina nano-coatings on fretting wear of metal alloys for artificial joints. 日本トライボロジー学会トライボロジー会議予稿集(CD-ROM). 2023. 2023
両角由貴夫, 大宮祐也, 小松優太, 塩田忠, 藤井正浩. Influences of Material and Surface Roughness of the Clamped Parts on the Tightening Angle-Bolt Axial Force Relationships in the Tightening Processes of the Bolted joints. 日本機械学会M&M材料力学カンファレンス(CD-ROM). 2023. 2023
石井良助, 大宮祐也, 塩田忠, 藤井正浩. 炭素添加炭化ケイ素コーティングの水中摩擦摩耗特性. 日本機械学会 第21回機素潤滑設計部門講演会(MDT2022)講演論文集. 2022
Masahiro FUJII, Ryusei IGA, Shinya FUJII, Takehiko OOSHIRO, Yoshikazu TANAKA. Peeling Characteristics of DLC Deposited on Gear by Filtered Arc Deposition. 2022
more... Books (23): - RC293歯車装置の設計・製造・評価に関する先進的技術追及のための試験・調査研究分科会研究報告書
日本機械学会 RC293歯車装置の設計・製造・評価に関する先進的技術追及のための試験・調査研究分科会 2024
- 機械要素設計
オーム社 2022 ISBN:9784274229367
- 国際会議論文抄録集 International Gear Conference 2018
日本機械学会RC275歯車装置の設計・製造・評価に関する技術革新のための調査研究分科会 2019
- 国際会議論文抄録集 International Conference on Gears
日本機械学会RC275歯車装置の設計・製造・評価に関する技術革新のための調査研究分科会 2018
- Elucidation and Control of Tribology by Numerical Simulation and Surface Analysis
2018 ISBN:9784924728806
more... Lectures and oral presentations (355): -
(トライボロジー会議2024 春 東京 2024)
疑似体液中でのチタン合金とコバルトクロム合金の接 触におけるフレッチング摩耗機構
(日本機械学会中国四国支部第63期総会・講演会 2025)
(日本機械学会中国四国支部第63期総会・講演会 2025)
歯車技術基礎講座 歯車材料と熱処理法,高強度化法
(日本機械学会 2024)
水潤滑下における酸炭化ケイ素のトライボケミカ ル反応
(トライボロジー会議2024 秋 名護 2024)
more... Professional career (1): - Doctor of Engineering (Osaka University)
Work history (2): - 2004 - - 岡山大学自然科学研究科 教授
- 2004 - - Professor,Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology,Okayama University
Awards (3): - 2023/06 - Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy JSPM Award for Inovatory Development
- 2018 - 日本機械学会フェロー
- 2017 - 日本機械学会表彰
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本設計工学会
, 日本トライボロジー学会
, 日本機械学会
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