J-GLOBAL ID:200901082068909931
Update date: Jun. 24, 2024 Kasai Tadakatsu
カサイ タダカツ | Kasai Tadakatsu
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (1):
Surgical dentistry
Research keywords (6):
, 歯科インプラント学
, 生体材料学
, tissue engineering
, dental implantology
, biomaterial
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 2015 - 2018 多孔性非焼結炭酸含有アパタイトの作製と骨形成法の確立
- 2011 - 2015 骨置換可能な多孔性炭酸含有アパタイトによる組織工学の確立
- 2004 - 2007 炭酸含有アパタイトと骨髄幹細胞を用いた組織工学的骨形成
- 2003 - 2006 Experimental study of artifical bone formation using carbonate apotite with bone mallow cells
Papers (5): -
ITO Yuri, ATSUDI Kosei, MURAKI Tomonori, WATANABE Ryuuta, KASAI Tadakatsu, HOSOHARA Masatoshi, EJIRI Sadakazu, SHIKIMORI Michio. Experimental study assessing the influence of bisphosphonate drug holiday on healing of extraction socket. Japanese Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2014. 60. 11. 596-608
ITO YURI, ATSUDI KOSEI, MURAKI TOMONORI, NAGANAWA KOUSUKE, AKAI TAKAHIRO, EHARA YUUICHI, OHTA TAKAHISA, MATSUBARA MAKOTO, FUZIMOTO MASAKO, TANAKA SHIRO, et al. Clinical Evaluations of Patients Undergoing Bisphosphonate Therapy. The journal of Gifu Dental Society. 2013. 40. 2. 119-126
Tadakatsu Kasai, Kimihiko Sato, Yoshinori Kanematsu, Michio Shikimori, Nobutake Kanematsu, Yutaka Doi. Bone Tissue Engineering Using Porous Carbonate Apatite and Bone Marrow Cells. JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY. 2010. 21. 2. 473-478
HYUN Kyunghwa, KASAI Tadakatsu, HIGASHIYAMA Hidetoshi, SUMITOMO Shinichirou, MORI Masahiko. A case report of mandibular radicular cyst lined with ciliated epithelium. Immunohistochemical study of keratin.:Immunohistochemical study of keratin. Journal of Oral Surgery Society of Japan. 1991. 37. 4. 857-863
KASAI Tadakatsu, KURENUMA Shuji, SATO Kimihiko, TAKAI Yoshiaki, NAITO Ryoji, HIGASHIYAMA Hidetoshi, MORI Masahiko. The two cases of lymphoepithelial cysts in the ventral surface of the tongue. Immunohistochemical studies.:Immunohistochemical studies. Journal of Oral Surgery Society of Japan. 1991. 37. 1. 175-180
MISC (34): -
厚地 功誠, 伊藤 友里, 式守 道夫, 江尻 貞一, 渡邉 竜太, 村木 智則, 笠井 唯克. Bisphosphonate休薬後の家兎抜歯窩治癒過程に関する骨形態計測学的研究. 日本口腔科学会雑誌. 2014. 63. 3. 293-293
伊藤 友里, 式守 道夫, 江尻 貞一, 細原 政俊, 渡邉 竜太, 厚地 功誠, 村木 智則, 笠井 唯克, 田中 四郎. Bisphosphonate休薬後のウサギ抜歯窩治癒過程について. 日本口腔外科学会雑誌. 2011. 57. Suppl. 162-162
- Mori M, Kasai T, Takai Y, Shikimori M. Natriuretic peptides: potential modulators of circulatory, renal, respiratory, digestive, endocrine, and central nerve systems and implications of their role in bone remodeling. Oral Medicine & Pathology. 2009. 14. 1. 1-18
Kasai T, Pogrel MA, Hossaini M. The prognosis for dental implants placed in patients taking oral bisphosphonates. J Calif Dent Assoc. 2009. 37. 1. 39-42
- Mori M, Kasai T, Takai Y, Shikimori M. Natriuretic peptides: potential modulators of circulatory, renal, respiratory, digestive, endocrine, and central nerve systems and implications of their role in bone remodeling. Oral Medicine & Pathology. 2009. 14. 1. 1-18
more... Education (4): - 1988 - 1992 Asahi University Graduate School of Dentistry
- - 1992 Asahi University Graduate School, Division of Dental Research
- 1982 - 1988 Asahi University School of Dentistry Dept. of Dentistry
- - 1988 Asahi University Faculty of Dentistry
Professional career (1): Work history (7): - 2012 - 現在 Asahi University School of Dentistry
- 2005 - 2012 Asahi University School of Dentistry
- 1999 - 2005 Asahi University School of Dentistry
- 1999 - 2005 Asahi university, school of dentistry, assistant
- 2005 - - Asahi university, school of dentistry, lecturer
- 1988 - 1992 Asahi University Graduate School of Dentistry
- 1988 - 1992 Asahi university, post graduate school
Show all
Awards (1): - 2001 - (社)日本口腔外科学会 優秀ポスター賞
Association Membership(s) (10):
, 日本歯科理工学会
, 日本口腔インプラント学会
, 日本口腔腫瘍学会
, 日本癌学会
, 日本口腔科学会
, 日本頭頚部腫瘍学会
, 日本バイオマテリアル学会
, 日本口腔外科学会
, Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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