Research field (5):
Polymer materials
, Hygiene and public health (non-laboratory)
, Hygiene and public health (laboratory)
, Metallic materials
, Machine materials and mechanics
Research keywords (4):
antibacterial metals
, microbiologically influenced corrosion
, 金属と微生物の相互作用
, Interaction between metallic materials and microbes
The Japan Institute of Metals
, Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering
, The Japan Society for Presision Engineering
, Japanese Society of Electron Microscopy Technology for Medicine and Biology
, 米国腐食協会
, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
, 米国レオロジー学会
, 日本レオロジー学会
, 日本材料学会
, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
, Japan Society for Food Microbiology
, The Society of Rheology
, American Society for Microbiology
, Japan Welding SOciety
, The Society for Antibacterial and Antifungal Agents, Japan
, National Association of Corrosion Engineers