Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2021 - 2027 The Project for Establishment of nitrogen-efficient wheat production systems in Indo-Gangetic Plains by deploying BNI (Biological Nitrification Inhibition)-technology
2011 - 2016 ProSAVANA-PI
2010 - 2014 Agro-ecological study to realize "Green Revolution" in the semiarid Tropics of Africa
2009 - 2013 ガーナにおける在来資源を用いた水田土壌肥沃度改善技術の開発
Papers (87):
Satoshi Tobita. BNI Technology - A genetic basis solution to global challenges in the 21st century. Green Asia Report Collection. 2023. 3
Tobita, S. Agriculture in the Semi-Arid Tropics with Sustainable Use of Scarce Resources: Contribution of Japanese Scientists through Collaboration with ICRISAT. Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly. 2021. 55. SI. 433-441
Guntur V. Subbarao, Masahiro Kishii, Adrian Bozal-Leorri, Ivan Ortiz-Monasterio, Xiang Gao, Maria Itria Ibba, Hannes Karwat, M. B. Gonzalez-Moro, Carmen Gonzalez-Murua, Tadashi Yoshihashi, et al. Enlisting wild grass genes to combat nitrification in wheat farming: A nature-based solution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2021. 118. 35. e2106595118-e2106595118
A. K. Saidou, Hide Omae, Kimio Osuga, Boukary Absatou, Satoshi Tobita. Participatory evaluation of productivity, fertility management, and dissemination of irrigated exotic vegetables in the Sahel, West Africa. Improving the Profitability, Sustainability and Efficiency of Nutrients Through Site Specific Fertilizer Recommendations in West Africa Agro-Ecosystems. 2018. 2. 23-35
古賀美羽, 中田智夏, 久保田朋樹, 恩田春太郎, 飛田哲, 吉橋忠, 岸井正浩, Guntur V. Subbarao, 市川伸次, 中島大賢, et al. 異なる窒素条件における生物的硝化抑制(BNI)能強化コムギの窒素吸収特性と収量性の評価. 日本作物学会第258回講演会要旨集. 2024
Satoshi Tobita. Establishment of Nitrogen-efficient Wheat Production Systems in Indo-Gangetic Plains by the Deployment of BNI-technology - A SATREPS Project. JIRCAS Newsletter. 2023. 95. 7-7
Partnership for Goals (A Better World, Vol.7)
Human Development Forum 2021 ISBN:9781916032521
Soil Fertility Improvement with Indigenous Resources in Lowland Rice Ecologies in Ghana
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences 2018
Life on Land (A Better World Vol.4)
Tudor Rose, UK 2018 ISBN:9780995648753
Soil Fertility Improvement with Indigenous Resources in Lowland Rice Ecologies in Ghana,
1984 - 1990 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology 農学研究科/連合農学研究科 資源・環境学専攻
1982 - 1984 東京農工大学大学院 農学研究科 環境保護学専攻
1979 - 1984 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Faculty of Agriculture
Professional career (1):
Work history (12):
2021/04 - 現在 Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS) Speciall Assigned Investigator (SATREPS)
2021/04 - 現在 日本大学生物資源科学部 国際地域開発学科 教授
2021/04 - 現在 Nihon University College of Bioresource Sciences Professor
2021/10 - 2022/03 京都大学大学院 地球環境学堂 非常勤講師
2016/04 - 2021/03 Japan International Research Institute for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS) Environment and Natural Resource Management Program Program Director
2016/04 - 2021/03 JIRCAS Environment and Natural Resources Management Program Program Director
2014/04 - 2016/03 JIRCAS Crop, Environment and Livestock Division Division Director
1997/10 - 2014/03 Japan International Research Center for Agricutural Sciences Environmrntal Resources Division / Crop Production and Environment Division Senior Researcher / Project Leader
1990/10 - 1992/09 ICRISAT Legumes Physiology Post Doctoral Fellow
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Awards (7):
2022/05 - National Academy of Science, USA Cozzarelli Prize Enlisting wild grass genes to combat nitrification in wheat farming: A nature-based solution
2015/09 - Land Development Department, Thailand First Place of Oral Presentation Contest, International Soil Science Congress Achievements of JIRCAS research projects for sustainable land management and soil fertility enhancement in Africa
Land Development Department, Thailand International Soil Science Congress, First Place of Oral Presentation Contest Achievements of JIRCAS research projects for sustainable land management and soil fertility enhancement in Africa
Show all
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本作物学会
, Japansese Society of Tropical Agriculture
, Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
, Japanese Crop Science Society