J-GLOBAL ID:200901083180484680
Update date: Jan. 17, 2024
Haratani Takashi
ハラタニ タカシ | Haratani Takashi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (3):
Hygiene and public health (non-laboratory)
, Hygiene and public health (laboratory)
, Healthcare management, medical sociology
Research keywords (6):
, 産業精神保健
, 職業性ストレス
, occupational health psychology
, occupational mental health
, job stress
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 職業性ストレスと産業精神保健に関する研究
- Study on job stress and occupational mental health
Education (3):
- - 1986 東京大学大学院 医学系研究科 保健学博士課程(精神衛生学専攻) 修了
- - 1983 東京大学大学院 医学系研究科 保健学修士課程(精神衛生学専攻) 修了
- - 1981 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1):
- Ph.D. (University of Tokyo)
Work history (8):
Awards (1):
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