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J-GLOBAL ID:200901083482570578   Update date: Dec. 27, 2024

Kawaguchi Noriyuki

カワグチ ノリユキ | Kawaguchi Noriyuki
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Atmospheric and hydrospheric science
Research keywords  (3): 銀河中心核 ,  超長基線電波干渉計 ,  超広帯域観測システム
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (25):
  • 2024 - 2026 Monitoring and prediction of torrential rain by radio and water vapor observations of thunderstorms
  • 2023 - 2026 雷嵐の複合電波観測と水蒸気観測による集中豪雨の早期監視と予測
  • 2020 - 2023 Study on multiplexing technology of synthetic aperture radars based on digital transmit control
  • 2012 - 2015 Interior structure of the moon and planets by VLBI observation of spacecraft: Size, state and the origin of metallic core
  • 2009 - 2011 Sub-mm VLBI observations of the event horizon of the super-massive black hole at the Galaxy center
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Papers (38):
MISC (22):
  • HONMA Mareki, NAGAYAMA Takumi, ANDO Kazuma, BUSHIMATA Takeshi, CHOI Yoon Kyung, HANDA Toshihiro, HIROTA Tomoya, IMAI Hiroshi, JIKE Takaaki, KIM Mi Kyoung, et al. Fundamental Parameters of the Milky Way Galaxy Based on VLBI Astrometry. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 2012. 64. 6. "136-1"-"136-13"
  • NIINUMA Kotaro, NAGAYAMA Takumi, HIROTA Tomoya, HONMA Mareki, MOTOGI Kazuhito, NAKAGAWA Akiharu, KURAYAMA Tomoharu, KAN-YA Yukitoshi, KAWAGUCHI Noriyuki, KOBAYASHI Hideyuki, et al. Astrometry of H_2O Masers in the Massive Star-Forming Region IRAS 06061+2151 with VERA. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 2011. 63. 1. 9-16
  • HONMA Mareki, HIROTA Tomoya, KAN-YA Yukitoshi, KAWAGUCHI Noriyuki, KOBAYASHI Hideyuki, KURAYAMA Tomoharu, SATO Katsuhisa. Astrometry of the Star-Forming Region IRAS 05137+3919 in the Far Outer Galaxy. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 2011. 63. 1. 17-22
  • MAEDA Toshihisa, IMAI Hiroshi, OMODAKA Toshihiro, KOBAYASHI Hideyuki, SHIBATA Katsunori M., BUSHIMATA Takeshi, CHOI Yoon Kyung, HIROTA Tomoya, HONMA Mareki, HORIAI Koji, et al. A Bipolar Outflow of the M-Type Giant IRC-10414 Traced by H_2O Maser Emission. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 2008. 60. 5. 1057-1067
  • KIM Mi Kyoung, HIROTA Tomoya, HONMA Mareki, KOBAYASHI Hideyuki, BUSHIMATA Takeshi, CHOI Yoon Kyung, IMAI Hiroshi, IWADATE Kenzaburo, JIKE Takaaki, KAMENO Seiji, et al. SiO Maser Observations toward Orion-KL with VERA. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 2008. 60. 5. 991-999
Education (1):
  • The University of Electro-Communications
Work history (4):
  • 1998 - National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
  • 1989 - National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
  • 1986 - 通信総合研究所 研究室長
  • 1975 - 通信総合研究所(旧電波研究所) 研究職技官
Awards (1):
  • 第21回市村賞(技術開発財団)1989年
Association Membership(s) (2):
日本天文学会 ,  IEEE
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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