- 2001 - 2014/03 Yokohama National University Faculty of Environment and Information Sciences
- 1997 - 2001 横浜国立大学教育人間科学部教授
- 1997 - 2001 Professor, Faculty of Education and Human Sciences, Yokohama National University
- 2001 - - Professor, Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences, Yokohama National University
- 1994 - 1997 Yokohama National University College of Education
- 1994 - 1997 Professor, Faculty of Education, Yokohama National University
- 1986 - 1994 Yokohama National University College of Education
- 1986 - 1994 Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Yokohama National University
- 1980 - 1986 カナダ、ウェスターンオンタリオ大学、地質学科、研究員
- 1980 - 1986 Research Associate, Department of Geology, University of Western Ontario, Canada
- 1981 - 1982 カナダ、ウェスターンオンタリオ大学、地質学科、講師
- 1981 - 1982 Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Western Ontario, Canada
- 1978 - 1980 カナダ、ウェスターンオンタリオ大学、地質学科、ポストドクトラルフェロー
- 1978 - 1980 Post Doctral Fellow, Department of Geology, University of Western Ontario, Canada
- 1977 - 1978 日本学術会議委託研究員
- 1977 - 1978 Researcher, Science Council of Japan, at Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Hokkaido University
- 1978 - 日本学術振興会奨励研究員
- 1978 - JSPS Post Doctoral Fellow
- Yokohama National University Faculty of Environment and Information Sciences Professor
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, 米国地球物理学連合
, 米国地球化学会
, カナダ鉱物学会
, 英国鉱物学会
, 日本鉱物学会
, 日本地質学会
, 日本岩石鉱物鉱床学会
, Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences
, American Geophysical Union
, Geochemical Society
, Mineralogical Association of Canada
, Mineralogical Society
, Mineralogical Society of Japan
, Geological Society of Japan
, Mineralogists and Economic Geologists
, Japanese Associetion of Petrologists