Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2006 - ICF理念に基づく障害児教育支援.
2006 - Education support to handicapped children based on an ICF idea.
2002 - 重症心身障害児における発達の機能連関と指導法に関する研究.
2002 - Dependence of the development among visual function and motor function in a child with Severe Mental and Physical Handicaps.
MISC (39):
知的障害児の指導と評価. 図書文化. 2006
Enhancing Active Interaction in Child with Severe Mental and Physical Handicaps. Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Kanazawa University. Educational science. 2005. 54. 54. 89-100
Enhancing Active Interaction in a Child with Severe Mental and Physical Handicaps. Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Kanazawa University. Educational science. 2005. 54. 54. 89-100
- 1987 Tokyo Gakugei University Graduate School, Division of Education Education for Mental disability
- 1985 University of Fukui Faculty of Education
TOHOKU University
University of Fukui
Tokyo Gakugei University
Professional career (1):
Ph.D. (TOHOKU University)
Work history (10):
2002 - 2007 : 金沢大学 教育学部 准教授
2002 - 2007 : Faculty of Education,Knanazawa university.
2007 - -: 金沢大学 教育学部 教授
2007 - -: Faculty of Education, Kanazawa University.
1999 - 2002 : 福井大学教育地域科学部附属養護学校 文部科学教官教諭
1999 - 2002 : shool for children with intellectual disabilities attched to Faculty of Edu.,Fukui Univ. teacher
1990 - 1999 : 福井県立福井南養護学校 教諭
1990 - 1999 : Fukui Prefectural School for children with intellectual disabilities teacher
1987 - 1989 : 東京都立府中病院脳神経外科臨床神経生理学研究室 研究員
1987 - 1989 : Unit of Clinical Neurophysiology, Neurosurgery,Tokyo Metroplitan Hospital of Fuchu.
Show all
Awards (1):
1997 - 福井県教育研究奨励賞
Association Membership(s) (8):
, 日本小児精神神経学会
, 日本学校心理士会
, 日本特殊教育学会
, Japanese Academy of Learning Disabilities
, Japanese Society of Pediatric Psychiatry and Neurology.
, Japanese Association of School Psychologists.
, The Japanese Association of Special Education.