J-GLOBAL ID:200901083756650611
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024 Kawamoto Tetsuro
カワモト テツロウ | Kawamoto Tetsuro
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Criminal law
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8): - 2019 - 2022 交通犯罪予防の多角的研究-陸海空の総合的規制を目指して
- 2017 - 2021 Victim Support for the Crimes caused by Mental Disorder arnd Prevention of Recidivism for Mentally IIl Criminalsll
- 2014 - 2017 Diversified Studies of Crime Prevention
- 2012 - 2016 The problems to treat psychiatric patients who commit heavy crimes such as murder or arson
- 2009 - 2011 Mentally disordered offenders-Interplay of the criminal responsibility and treatment system of mentally disordered offenders
- 2006 - 2008 Medical Treatment and Supervision Act 2003 - Its Praxis and Conception -
- 2000 - 2001 Comprehensive Research on Financial and Economic Criminal Law
- 交通犯罪 精神障害者犯罪 犯罪被害者支援 感染症と人権
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Papers (43): -
Tetsuro Kawamoto. covid-19 and Human Rights. Doshisha Law Review. 2021. 73. 2. 1-22
Tetsuro Kawamoto. The Amendments of Infectious Disease Law. Doshisha Law Review. 2021. 73. 1. 1-51
Tetsuro Kawamoto. Infectious disease law. Doshisha Law Review. 2020. 72. 4. 469-483
新型インフルエンザ特措法と自治体. 月刊自治研. 2020. 72. 9. 51-59
日本の交通犯罪. 同志社法学. 2020. 72. 1. 179-189
more... MISC (7): -
川本 哲郎. A・アシュワース&J・ホーダー「刑法の原理(第7版)」(2). 同志社法学. 2017. 69. 5
精神医療. 加藤良夫編著「実務 医事法〔第2版〕」. 2014
川本 哲郎. 刑事責任能力判断の新たな動向-岡江先生の遺されたもの-. 法と精神医療. 2014. 29号
川本 哲郎. 刑事責任能力判断の新たな動向-岡江先生の遺されたもの-. 法と精神医療. 2014. 29号
精神医療と倫理. 伊原千晶編「心理臨床の法と倫理」. 2012
more... Books (4): - Treatment of traffic offenders
- 交通犯罪対策の研究
成文堂 2015 ISBN:9784792351427
- テキスト刑法各論 補訂第2版
青林書院 2007
- 精神医療と犯罪者処遇
成文堂 2002 ISBN:4792315859
Education (4): - - 1974 Chuo University Faculty of Law
- - 1974 Chuo University Faculty of Law
- Doshisha University
- Doshisha University Graduate School, Division of Law
Professional career (1): Association Membership(s) (1):
1.日本刑法学会 2.日本被害者学会 3.法と精神医療学会 4.日本司法精神学会
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