J-GLOBAL ID:200901083808419158
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024 Ishioka Masaru
イシオカ マサル | Ishioka Masaru
Affiliation and department: Research field (4):
, Business administration
, Safety engineering
, Social systems engineering
Research keywords (12):
, テクノロジーイノベーション
, プロダクトイノベーション
, マーケティング戦略
, 技術経営(MOT)
, マーケティング
, 新製品開発マネジメント
, 製品開発戦略
, Management of Technology Marketing Strategy
, Marketing
, Product Development Management
, Product Development Strategy
Research theme for competitive and other funds (19): - 2005 - 革新的な製品市場に適用する製品開発戦略に関する研究
- 市場要求に対応するためのイノベーション戦略
- 市場の要求に対応するための製品開発戦略
- 中小企業における技術戦略の構築
- 中小企業における成長製品の製品開発戦略
- 中小企業における成熟製品の製品開発戦略
- MOT概念を取り入れたマーケティングおよび製品開発戦略
- ハイテク製品に関する製品開発戦略
- テクノロジーイノベーションに対応するための製品開発戦略
- 成長製品についての製品開発戦略
- 成長期対応のための製品開発マネジメント
- 製品ライフサイクルの成長期における製品開発戦略モデル
- Product Innovation Strategy for SME
- Product Development Strategies for Growth Products to SMEs
- Product development strategies for mature products to SMEs
- Strategic Product development from the aspects of product innovation level
- Product development Strategies for Growth products
- A study on the management strategies for the product development at the growth stage in the product life cycle
- Product Development Strategies at Growth Stage in Product life Cycle.
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MISC (51): -
Strategies for competing in the innovative products market. Proceedings of the International Association for Management of Technology, IAMOT. 2006
Market oriented strategic product innovation for technology product market. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2005
Managing innovation with a customer focus. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference/Workshop on Business, Technology and Competitive Intelligence. 2005. 220-241
Product Development Strategies for Innovative Products. Proceedings of the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology ’05 Conference, PICMET. 2005
Strategic Product Development for Innovative Product Market. Proceedings of the 12TH International Product Development Management Conference, IPDMC. 2005. Part 2, 703-718
more... Works (21): -
2005 -
2004 -
2003 -
2003 -
2003 -
more... Professional career (2): - Master of Science in Engineering Management
- Doctor(Business Administration) (Ishinomaki Senshu University)
Association Membership(s) (4):
Product Development and Management Association (PDMA)
, 商品開発・管理学会
, 経営情報学会
, 日本経営学会
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