Research field (2):
Architectural and city planning
, Home economics, lifestyle science
Research keywords (2):
Brrier free design
, Universal design
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
Papers (26):
Numajiri Keiko, Takahashi Gihei, Sato Katsushi, Onoda Yoshizumi, Eto Yuko. Research on the usability of multifunctional toilets and necessary improvements. Journal of Japanese Association for an Inclusive Society. 2014. 第16巻. 第2 号. 1-9
Evaluation and Selection of the Restroom Space for Conducting Final Experiments based on Results of the Preliminary Experiments Inspection of Function and Area of the Restroom Space aimed for Reduce Concentration Using of the Multi-purpose Toilets. Part 4
Effect of rail shape on seniors' walking behaviorl: Shape of water drainage rail for later installation on corridor floor, Part 2.
Floor level difference introduced by water drainage rail: Shape of water drainage rail for later installation on corridor floor, Part 1.