J-GLOBAL ID:200901084115524353
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024 Hirosawa Yusuke
ヒロサワ ユウスケ | Hirosawa Yusuke
Research field (1):
Literature - Chinese
Research keywords (1):
modern era of China (Yüan, Ming and Qing), Bai Hua xiao shuo, publishing, intellecturals, book printed from woodblocks, illustration, anthology of short fictions, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Gujin xiaoshuo, Yu Shi Ming Yan, Jingshi tongyan, Xingshi hen
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 2015 - 2018 Sense of guilt in the Chinese classical literature
- 2011 - 2013 relation between illustration and progress of colloquial stories in early modern China
- 2011 - 2013 A compilation and reconstruction of colloquial short stories called San-yan and its criticisms
- 2008 - 2009 A study on publishing and editing about some collections of colloquial short stories from Last of Ming Period to first of Qing Period
Papers (17): -
廣澤裕介. 「全相平話」と繪解き藝能. 日本中國學會報. 2017. 69. 109-124
廣澤裕介. 『古今小說』と『今古奇觀』のテキストの文字異同一覽表. 學林. 2014. 59. 45-78
廣澤裕介. 《喩世明言》四十巻本考. 国際漢学研究通迅. 2014. 8. 130-147
廣澤裕介. 『全相平話』のビジュアルワールド-「上」からみる作品の素顔. アジア遊学171『中国古典文学と挿図文化』. 2014. 171. 33-49
廣澤裕介. 北京大學圖書館所藏『喩世明言』残本について~短篇白話小説集印行の軌跡~. 學林. 2011. 53.54. 416-430
more... Books (2): - 中国近世文学と中国文化
立命館孔子学院 2012 ISBN:9784990573218
- 明人とその文学
汲古書院 2009
Lectures and oral presentations (24): -
(中国古典小説研究会2018年度関東例会 2019)
Images of Mist and Wind in Woodblock Paintings of Three Kingdoms in Early Modern China and Japan
(International Conference on Romance of the Three Kingdoms and the Formation of Cultural Identity of Koreans in an East Asian Context 2018)
(中国古典における罪の意識 2017)
(中国古典小説研究会2017年度大会 2017)
(アジアにおける技術・芸術と社会のダイナミクス 第3回研究会 2017)
more... Education (1): - - 2006 Kobe University Graduate School, Division of Humanities and Social Sciences Cultural Structure Theories
Professional career (1): - Publication of Bai Hua (Chinese Colloquial Fictions) at the End of the Ming Dynasty: San Yan and other Short Story Collections and Their Context (Kobe University)
Awards (1): Association Membership(s) (6):
Society for the Study of Japanese and Chinese Literature (Kyoto Prefectural University)
, Chinese Language Research Society (Kobe University)
, Literature Research Society (Ritsumeikan University)
, Chinese Classic Novels Research Society
, The Institute of Eastern Culture
, The Sinological Society of Japan
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