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J-GLOBAL ID:200901084568529291   Update date: Aug. 16, 2024

Kinebuchi Miyuki

キネブチ ミユキ | Kinebuchi Miyuki
Homepage URL  (2): https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/d/r/30244346.ja.htmlhttp://igakubunobenkyo-bunshibyourigaku.blog.jp
Research field  (4): Quantum beam science ,  Immunology ,  Experimental pathology ,  Fetal medicine/Pediatrics
Research keywords  (31): Quantum pathology ,  銅 ,  遺伝子診断 ,  CD1d ,  銅輸送ATPase ,  自然免疫 ,  ナチュラルキラーT細胞 ,  ウイルソン病 ,  IL2レセプター ,  CDld ,  ヌード遺伝子 ,  ヒト先天性重症免疫不全症 ,  劇症肝炎 ,  胸腺上皮 ,  複合遺伝子異常 ,  Invariant Vα14 ,  胸腺腫 ,  過酸化脂質 ,  サイトカイン ,  微量元素 ,  蛍光X線 ,  炎症 ,  CD1 ,  NKT細胞 ,  抗原提示 ,  肝臓 ,  発症機序 ,  劇症化 ,  脂質 ,  不変T細胞レセプター ,  劇症
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (7):
  • 2017 - 2020 Integrative early definitive diagnosis of Wilson disease and a role of copper storage vesicle in cellular injury
  • 2014 - 2017 Precise diagnostic trace elemental imaging by synchrotron-generated X ray
  • 2012 - 2014 Copper imaging of Wilson disease by synchrotron radiation X-ray
  • 2005 - 2007 A bepatitis aggravation instruction mechanism of the CDld natural killer T cell in the Wilson's disease
  • 2001 - 2003 Pathophysiological role of CD1d in organ-specific inflammation
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Papers (142):
  • Matsuura A, Kinebuchi M. Ultrahigh-Precision Diagnostic Method for Wilson's Disease using synchrotron radiation. Annual Review of Neuron 2021. 2021. 65-74
  • Matsuura A, Kinebuchi M. Copper Accumulation in The Periphery of Cirrhotic Liver Nodule s in Patients with Biliiary Atresia by Synchrotron X-ray Fluoresecence Analysis. Photon Factory Activity Report2020. 2021. 95-96
  • 松浦晃洋, 杵渕幸, 柿田明美. 中枢神経組織における微量元素の分布:シンクロトロン放射光によ る測定条件の検討. 2021. 100-101
  • Matsuura A, Kinebuchi M. Tissue, cellular and subcellular localization of copper in metabolic copper disorder. Proceedings of the XIIIth International Society of Trace Element Research and Medicine (ISTERH 2019). 2019
  • Matsuura A, Kinebuchi M. Evaluation of standard treatment for human metabolic copper disorders by synchrotron X-ray based pathological examination. Proceedings of Copper 2018 Sorrento, 11th International Copper Meeting: Bridging Clinical and Fundamental Research in Copper Biology. 2018
MISC (20):
Lectures and oral presentations  (4):
  • Development of Practical Immunogene Therapy Using Human Autologous T-Cell Receptors (2 reports)
    (Kyoto International Conference Center 1997)
  • Immunological characterization of rat thymoma
    (The 20th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Molecular Biology 1996)
  • Destruction of the allelic exclusion of TCRb expression.
    (NIH, USA 1996)
  • Up-regulation of T cell receptor (TCR) b and g on thymic lymphomas induced by PNU: Destruction of the allelic exclusion of TCRb and expression of functional TCRbg heterodimer on a lymphoma, cFTL53.
    (IMUSUT, University of Tokyo 1996)
Professional career (1):
  • 博士 (医学)
Work history (2):
  • 2001/01 - 現在 Fujita Health University
  • 2000/01 - 2000/12 Gifu University, School of Medicine Pathology Associate Professor
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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